Lyrical Lies

You Clicked Your Heels and Wished for Me

You Clicked Your Heels and Wished For Me
Title Credit: Panic At The Disco; Pretty. Odd.;

"I wish I was Home"
"I wish I was home"
"I wish I was home"
"I wish I had a guy who was exactly what I want"
This was the day of the show. We were doing "The Wizard of Oz"
I was Dorothy. I had red hair so it worked.
My name is actually Veronica. Most people, however, call me Vivi , Nica, or sometime even
Ronni. I was practicing my lines in the auditorium, while the set crew was finishing up everything they
could before the show.
I mean it was tonight after all.
Stevie "The Boy Wonder" just happened to walk by when I said that. Stevie's one of my best
friends in the entire universe. He is the boy wonder because he whenever you need something
he's there to help. There must be like twenty of him or something.
Any who, I was feeling sorry for myself. I hadn't been asked out since 6th grade......AND I wasn’t
allowed to go on that one either. So you figure about 17 years of no guys as boyfriends. Today
was an "Emo Day". I had straightened my hair out and had it over my eyes and everything.
Back to what I was saying. Stevie was a great friend. So he stopped working and talked to me.
He said," What's up today , Vivi?"
"Not much, just practicing my lines and being bored. You know, the usual."
"Well you seem sad today."
"No shit Sherlock. You would be to if you couldn’t sleep because you need someone to hold you,
now wouldn’t you?"
"Okay. stepping out of that conversation. I'll be done in a few, okay? I'll drive you home."
"Fine. Thanks."
So Stevie drove me home. We were listening to a mixed CD I had made him for his birthday in
January. The song that was playing was by Fall Out Boy. It was called "7 Minutes in Heaven" or
something like that.
"You know, it would just figure one of my "Emo day" theme songs would come on."
"He he , you changed it this morning. "
"Oh yeah. Are you going to stay over until the show?"
"Um.... if its okay. I'd still have to call my parents though."
By that time we were already at my house so I went inside and asked my mom.
She said it was okay. So did his mom.
My mom was okay with Stevie being in my room because
A. She trusted me.
B. She Trusted Stevie.
Since there were intercoms in every room.
and D. She's known him for a really long time.
Anyhow. Stevie parked his car in the driveway and came inside. Then we had some really
good chocolate peanut butter cookies. Then we went upstairs because he needed help with his
homework. I had finished mine in class.
We had about three hours before we had to be at the theater, so I told Stevie I was gonna shower
and that he could do whatever besides going through my drawers and reading my writing book.
I took my normal 4 and 1/2 to 10 minute long shower.
When I got back to my room, Stevie was looking through my writing book. I was not happy. I took
it from him and he started talking about it. I told him to shut up.
We then decided that it was okay, so long as he never looked or spoke about it again. Then we
thought we could watch corpse bride, one of my all time favorites. But after about 15 minutes, I
fell asleep. I started to have a bad dream. All my friends and family were at this desert farm and
there were cannibals running it and they killed everyone slowly. Every time I was within two inches of
freedom I would be put back exactly where I started. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I got
away. I felt safe. When I woke up about 2 and 1/2 hours after falling asleep, Stevie was still sleeping
and he was holding me. Then I realized the time and I woke him up. Then I started to get ready.
When he was all done getting ready, he helped me finish. When we finally left, We
Were Late! Luckily, we still had about 20 minutes before the audience got there. We finished
getting ready and people did our make up. Stevie was going to be the Scarecrow. The real guy
got Laryngitis right before the show.
Stevie was so cute as a scarecrow!
We got through the play, Stevie and I had both stumbled over a few words. We were supposed
to come up with an original ending of our own.
"I wish I was Home"
"I wish I was home"
"I wish I was home"
Then I disappeared down the trapdoor.
"What the heck was that!?" he asked.
" Our original ending"
"That was the beginning of the end. you still have to go "Home". You don’t wake up until I say so.
" 'Kay."
so then I went back on stage and pretended to be asleep on the bed. Then Stevie came with
Aunt Em and Uncle Fred. He kissed me ! and said "wake up." and I did. That was the end
of the end. Then we all stayed and did that whole visit thing and left. Stevie decided to stay the night.
He stayed in the spare bed room. . I had nice not scary dreams.
The Next morning , I woke up to a note on my bed. with a picture of me sleeping.
it said, " I was here until the early morning. Will you go on a date with me?"
I came running into the spare bed room and jumped onto the bed to wake him up and whispered
a small "Yes" in his ear.
We were both happy that morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so i know i do not post normally or on schedule, or even not randomly. I don't like typing things i've already written, because i loses a bit of the magic and inspiration i put in to it. anyway. i hope you like the updates. yes updateS. the next one should be up in a matter of minutes