Love sick Melody

chapter 6

Joey's P.O.V

I was sat in the back of the van chatting random shit to Jimmy. He didn't seem to mind cause we were having a laugh, Something i hadn't done it a while. Well we were sat there when i saw Brian's face i the Rearveiw mirror and he didn't look happy.

"Brian what's wrong ?" I asked as i knelt in the gap between the driver and the passenger seats.

"He's followed us" I shot back so i was crouched on the floor of the van.

"Who Johnny ?" All i saw was Brian nod. I could feel the tears pricking my eyes but i wasn't gonna' let this bother me. Not tonight. We pulled up outside the venue and Jimmy climbed out followed by me, Brian and Matt climbed out ofthe passenger and driver seats, Brain placed his hand on my back. I walked into the venue with Brian, Matt and Jimmy and met James. He give Brian,Matt and Jimmy the nod and they walked back to the van.

Me and James walked upto their dressing room and he opened the door for me. I stepped in and smiled at everyone. I had only ever spoke and met James before. Well as Joey anyway.

"Guys this is Joey" I waved and they all waved back. "Hey were is Rod ?" James asked the other guys, they all just shrugged. Out of the corner of my eye i saw the most amazing guy.Someone who i hadnt seen since year 10. "Rod dude you need to meet Joey" James tugged at my arm and pulled me over towards Rod. I just let myself get dragged over to him, Soon we were face to face.

"Hi im Joey" I held my hand out and he shook it. To feel his touch again was amazing but i wasnt't about to tell him who i really was. I mean he would hate me.

"Rod. Nice to meet you" I smiled at him and he smiled back, We stood there. Stiring. Doing nothing else. What if he has noticed who i am. I mean he cant i have colored contacts in the only thing i havent changed is my hair color. James pushed him and knocked him to the floor.

"Dude you gotta' stop doing that" Rod stood up and brushed himself off.

"You know Joey you remind me of a friend i had a few years back, She was in year 10 when i knew her though" I looked down. I knew who she was but i was to scared to say it was me.

*Flash back*

"Rod stop tickleing me" Kaytee giggled as she rolled about on the floor. He stood up bringing her with him. He held her close as they shared a kiss.

"Kaytee i love you so much" He let his forehead touch hers.

"I love you too" They kissed again and just stood there holding each other. The moment was perfect nothing could spoil it until the words that came out of her mouth next. "Rod i have to move to london.....And....Im not gonna' be able to speak to you again" She started to cry as he pulled her close. The tears rolled down his face aswell as he knew this was going to soon be over.

"When do you have to go ?" She looked up at him before looking back down.

"Tonight" He pulled her close one more time as their lips crashed togeather one last time as her mother pulled up in the car. "I love you Rod" And she gave him one last kiss before walking away.

"I love you too !" he yelled after her. She took one look back at his tears stained cheeks then climbed into her mothers cars knowning she wil never see him again.

*End flash back*

He looked down at the floor aswell, As i saw one tear roll down his face. I pulled him into the bathroom as i also began to cry. I took out my colored contact lenses and took my hair down. I have never changed its color from when i last saw him.

"Rod my real name isn't Joey....." I looked at him and he stared back in amazment.

"Kaytee" I nodded as he took me in his arms and hugged me tight. "I never thought i would see you again" I just nodded as he hugged me again.

"Never is impossible you know that" I smiled up at him as he called the rest of the guys in. I knew they remembered Kaytee. But none of them knew that I/She was stood infront of them until they ran into the bathroom.

"Oh my god Kaytee" I got attacked with hugs as they all regongnised who i was.

"Im sorry i left you guys, It wont happen again" They all nodded as i got attacked with hugs again. They were called on stage and me and Tasha walked to the side of the stage and watched them wow the crowd with their music. Me and Tasha jumped about at the side of stage pushing each other starting a mini moshpit. Soon they finished their set and came running off stage. Rod took me in his arms as he tackled me to the ground with a hug. I wrapped my arms aroundhim as he looked at me and gave me one of his candy kisses.
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commets please

love you