Trisha Comes to Life

Chapter 4.

A few hours later, and a large alcohol intake, they staggered home, taking 5 times as long as usual (They took a few wrong turns). Naboo and Bollo were already in bed, as it was past 1. They were shushing each other as they fell onto the couch, trying not to laugh.

“Don’t wanna wake Naboo up.” Howard whispered. Trisha leant over and kissed him again. This time, it went further. They were caught in the passion and they started to move towards Howard’s room when he stopped it.

“Howard, what’s wrong?” Trisha asked.

“I can’t do this.” Howard sobered quickly. “We both know that you’re Vince, even if you are Trisha right now. And I can’t do this to Vince, he means too much to me as a friend for me to be making out with his female half.”

Trisha put her head on his chest. “He means that much to you, doesn’t he?” She said quietly, sobering up quickly.

“Yeah, he’s like the brother I never had. We’ve been through everything since we were 9.” They sat back down on the couch. “He’s my only family.”

Trisha sat there, thinking it over. Then finally she said, “I’ll do it.”

“Do what Trish?” Howard asked her.

“As soon as Naboo finds the cure, I’ll take it. Howard, if Vince means that much to you, then he should be here, not me.”

“Are you sure? If you don't want to then...”

"Howard, since this happened to me, all I've seen from you is how much you miss Vince. You've known him for like 20 years, you've only known me less than a month. "

"But are you sure?" Howard asked, his voice a whisper. Trisha nodded.

“Howard, Trisha, are you back?” Naboo’s voice carried through the loft from his room.

“Yeah Naboo. We’re in the living room.” Howard got up and turned a lamp on while Trisha sorted her hair out. Naboo came in, smiling.

“I found the cure.” He told them. Trisha looked up at Howard. Howard stared into her eyes before looking over at Naboo.

“How did you find it?”

“Well, I was trying all these different ways, but then I just found an easier way. I did a spell that sent me back to when Vince took the potions. Basically, Trisha, you’re gonna have to take the potions but in the reverse order.” Trisha nodded.

“Can I just have a quick moment with Howard first.”

“Yeah, just come into my bedroom when you’re finished.” Naboo said before walking to his room.

“Are you sure about this?” Howard asked her.

“Yes. Like I said before, I’ve only been here for a few weeks. You’ve known Vince since you were 9, that’s 20 years. You care more for him and you and I both know it. It’s time he was back.”

Howard looked at her. “I’ll miss you.”

“I know you will, but you’ll get over me. I know you will.” She stood in front of him and kissed him gently on the lips. “I love you Howard.” She walked out and into Naboo’s room, leaving him alone.

“I love you Trish.” He whispered before walking into his room and falling asleep straight away before the tears could get to him.

“It won’t hurt will it?” Trisha asked Naboo.

“No, if I’m right, you should go to sleep as Trisha and wake up as Vince.” Trisha nodded, tears forming in her eyes. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, just, I don’t want to leave Howard.”

”Don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye on him. We’ll look after him.”

“Well then, bottoms up.” She took each of the potions before feeling a wave of drowsiness. “I’m feeling tired already. I guess this is goodbye then Naboo.”

“It was great meeting you Trisha.” He gave her a hug and led her into Vince’s room. “And try and wear something too big, Vince is taller than you.” Trisha nodded and Naboo closed the door.


When Howard woke the next day, he had a headache. He sat up, finding a glass of water and two aspirins on the side. He took them and was about to call out Trisha’s name when he remembered. Trisha took the potion, she had become Vince again. He laid back down, not caring how late it was or that they were meant to be at work over an hour ago. His back was to the door when he heard a knock.

He didn’t bother asking who it was, it wasn’t the person he wanted the most. The door opened and the person walked other to him. He felt pokes in his back. He tried batting them away with his hand but it didn’t work. He turned around and there he saw his best friend Vince Noir, back to normal and grinning his head off.

“Hey Howard, I’m back!” He said.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter, then the sequel.

Please comment.

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo