She Could Care Less

Alexandra has known Frank for years. However, that doesn't mean she likes him in any sense of the word. She doesn't like Frank, his friends, his choices in clothing, in music, in fun, or anything of the like.

When Alex flunks one of her classes in school, her mother demands that she gets a tutor. But boy, is Alex in for a scream of a time when she sees who the school has paired her with.
  1. Chapter 1
    "When you're in trouble and need help, is your 'social status' going to be there?"
  2. Chapter 2
    "Let me tell you something, Alex. You're not one of them, not like them."
  3. Chapter 3
    "I dunno... She's different, Gee. She's not just any girl."
  4. Chapter 4
    'A he, huh? Mmm... maybe he's cute. And just my type.'
  5. Chapter 5
    "The old Alex was a rebel. She could care less about what people thought of her."
  6. Chapter 6
    "Oh my God, Alex?!"
  7. Chapter 7
    "You mean to tell me that the bitchy cheerleader is HER?"
  8. Chapter 8
    "10 torturous years of living next to you, talking to you, hanging out with you..."
  9. Chapter 9
    Is it worth it?
  10. Chapter 10
    'I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for someone I'm not...'
  11. Chapter 11
    "Back off, Barbie."
  12. Chapter 12
    "How is it that we've been together seven months and you still make me blush like crazy?"
  13. Chapter 13
    "WE DID IT!"
  14. Chapter 14
    "Uhm... can I pee there? I'm gonna explode."
  15. Chapter 15
    "Three cheers for Sexy Lexi and Freaky Frank!"
  16. Chapter 16
    I think I'm dying inside... and I think I like it.
  17. Chapter 17
    "They're out of their ***ing minds."
  18. Chapter 18
    "My breathing faltered, my blood ran cold, and my heart started pounding."
  19. Chapter 19
    "You know what they say, Lex. Your first love is never truly over."
  20. Chapter 20
    "Not knowing that you still love him?"
  21. Chapter 21
    Perhaps things would finally get back on track.
  22. Chapter 22
    "Because now I'm sexy."
  23. Chapter 23
    "A test? What do you mean, a test?"
  24. Chapter 24
    "Pretty much anyone who would listen?"
  25. Chapter 25
    "I wouldn't trade it for the world."
  26. Chapter 26
    "Oh, but I do try oh so hard."
  27. Chapter 27
    "But, you are kinda scary when you scream at me."
  28. Chapter 28
    "Did you just piss on yourself?"
  29. Chapter 29
    "She's gorgeous, Lexi. She looks just like you."
  30. Chapter 30
    I honestly don't ***ing know.
  31. Chapter 31
    "When is Daddy getting back?"
  32. Chapter 32
    Why was Fate such a cruel and merciless woman?
  33. Chapter 33
    "Then... what happened to us?"
  34. Chapter 34
    "I loved you! Didn't that matter?!"
  35. Chapter 35
    "He found out the hard way when he saw us kissing on the front porch."
  36. Chapter 36
    "How is it when I have my strongest iron walls up, you still see through them like the clearest water?"
  37. Chapter 37
    "Let's get this party started!"
  38. Chapter 38
    "Are you getting married, or am I?"
  39. Chapter 39
    "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."
  40. Chapter 40
    Epilogue/The End
  41. To Be Careless Is To Be Reckless
    She Could Care Less Sequel, Chapter One