Status: Indefinite Hiatus

To The End


Kids. How she hated them. The way they ran around screaming, not giving you a moments peace. But she'd taken the first step, on the way. Married life was supposed to be hard, perhaps it was, she didn't really care. Now she was committed; "tied down" as they called it. Children should be the least of her worries right now, she should be looking forward to spending the honeymoon with her newly wed husband. Like a normal bride. But she didn't feel like a normal bride.

She had a bad feeling about this 'honeymoon' as Tom had put it. They weren't in a populated resort. They weren't even abroad. All she knew was that they were 'getting away'.

The image of a garden shed came to mind and a shudder ran down her spine. Her eyes wondered out of the car window. The roads in front of her seemed to wind on with no end. The lifeless foliage hung loosely down in their way. The silence was cut like a knife with the unbearable crunching beneath the wheels.

There wasn't color anywhere to be seen. The dress she wore; white, the shirt he wore; white, the trousers he wore; black, the car; gray, the roads; gray, and etcetera.

She knew she should be too lovestruck to have eyes for anything other than her husband. Like a normal bride.

But she wasn't a normal bride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kids. How she hated them. The way they ran around screaming, not giving you a moments peace. - Ciar's genius I think :)

She's writing the first chapter sooooon!