Status: Indefinite Hiatus

To The End

Chapter 2

I sat staring into the chipped mirror propped up against the murky green wallpaper, doing nothing but combing my hair and thinking how miserable I was. I took a slight angle to the mirror as I heard Tom sigh and mumble something inaudible before walking into the damp bedroom, his head hung over and his brows furrowed together in what appeared to be deep thought.

"What's wrong? Thought you loved this place?" I murmured. My words dripped with sarcasm as I carried combing through my knotted locks. He sat on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry Tasha, but this isn't how I planned to spend our honeymoon either. I genuinely wanted it to be just something we can enjoy. And get away from the city-"

"You've talked about how you want to get away. Well you must be thrilled right now mustn't you? 'Cause yeah, we're away. Very. Far. Away." I snapped standing from my stool and storming out of the room without a backwards glance.

I felt the anger burn through my veins like some sort of venom as I charged down the stairs. I recapped the situation, however, and the more I did, the more stupid I felt. I slowed to a halt at the bottom of the stairs and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath I let my eyes open and adjust to the dim light leaking through the glass of the front door. The one question playing over and over in my mind was that of my common sense; "Why are you here?".

My legs absentmindedly made their way around the back of the staircase and towards the back door. Trying to find this 'pool' Tom had talked about earlier. I shoved the large metal frame open and glance around the over-grown lawn. I frowned, feeling I must of looked too quickly, but looking back, there was no pool anywhere to be seen.


I shrugged off my curiosity and made my way back inside the mansion, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sweetie? You hungry?" I called up the empty wooden supports. A small shuffling made it's way to my ears before the echoing reply did.

"I think I'll skip dinner tonight, I'm not feeling too good." His voice sounded scratchy and painful. Perhaps he was coming down with something. Nevertheless, I made my way back to the kitchen and began routing through the cupboards, seeing if anyone had decided to stock up on food supplies. Most of the cupboards were empty. And the fridge, due to the lack of electricity, just stank of stale milk and eggs. I was just about to give up when I noticed a half used packet of bread from behind what appeared to be a teapot.

I held up the bag checking the contents for mold or creatures before placing it infront of me on the worktop and nodding in approval.

"Sandwiches it is then".
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter dedicated to I C G P and her awesomness :]
