‹ Prequel: Finishing Up

New Beginnings

3. Starbuck's

It was 8:32 p.m, and I had just walked into Starbuck's. Joe was sitting down already there, surprisingly. "You're 2 minutes late," he accused casually. I giggled. "Very funny," I said. "Doesn't seem like much has changed..." I eyed him up. "Still immature, still handsome. What about your voice??" I joked. He sang me "Its still amazing and your still jealous!" I laughed.

"So, where are your brothers?" I asked Joe, who was already off in his own world.

"Bathroom. 'Getting Ready'" he made air quotes. As if on cue, Nick and Kevin walked out. "Hi" I said, feeling a little weird. I wasn't really used to talking to them. Just Joe. Me and him were good friends since the night we met at the "Meet & Greet".

"Hey," Kevin greeted, sitting down next to Joe.

"YO! Its Nick J!!" Nick teased, plopping down next to me.

"Ok, lets get this over with." I sighed, pulling out Manda's handbag carefully. I gave them a Sharpie and they all signed it. I examined.

Joe wrote: To Manda, a cheerful, happy person who will never be forgotten. -Joe
Nick wrote: Manda, I will never forget the first time I looked into your pretty eyes. -Nick
And Kevin signed: Manda: A great person, and a great friend. -Kevin

My eyes welled up with tears, as I watched my "sister's" dream come true. To meet the Jonas Brother's and get her purse signed. It was the least I could do for her.

"Well, I better go," I said, standing up slowly.

"Yeah, us too." Kevin agreed.

We said our goodbyes and I walked back home.About 10 minutes after leaving, I got a text message from Joe. And I was VERY unexpected...

"When can I see you again? -Joe"

"Um...I dunno. When will ya be here?" I asked, through texting of course.

"Tomorrow. Meet me at the park? -Joe"

"Yup. Seeya there!"

"Deal. -Joe"
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Short, sorry. School and all makes it hard to think/update. Gahhhh!! COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE!!