‹ Prequel: Finishing Up

New Beginnings

6. Happy Days

Things have been great between me and Joe. We went out to dinner the other night, and it was amazing. He paid for everything, and afterward we went to the lake. You should have seen it, with the moonlight casting beautiful shadows down around the glistening water. It was just unimaginable. No words.

I closed my laptop, exiting out of the journal program that I had started. My phone broke out into a chorus of notes. "Hello?" I asked, standing up and sliding my PC into its correct position on my shelves.

"Hey hon. Its Joe. What's up?"

"Eh, nothing. I was just thinking about you." A grin broke out onto her face.

"Same here!" Joe gasped, sounding surprised. "So, I was wondering. You wanna go to this party with me?"

"Duh!" Ella said, asking when it would be and where.

"Next Tuesday, and it's a surprise. I'll pick you up at 6:00?"

"Sure thing. Bye!"


The day of the party came quickly. Ella managed to find a pretty dress to wear, and Joe picked a tux out of many he owned. When 6:00 rolled around, she was ready.


Ella scurried to the door, and met Joe. He escorted her to the car. She gasped. Not a car! A limo! "Oh Joe! You shouldn't have gotten this for us! We could have driven in something cheap! I'd still love you." She said playfully, pecking his cheek.

"I know. But my girlfriend deserves the very best!" he smiled. Ella got the chills. She was Joe's girlfriend. And Joe Jonas was her boyfriend. Life was so strange. Suddenly, the car jerked to a stop, and Joe helped her out. She saw many other couples, all dancing and talking, but they seemed...drunk. "Uh, Joe..." she trailed off. She couldn't say anything. He had gotten her this beautiful limo, and they had gotten all dressed up. Plus he seemed so excited.

"Yes?" he asked, dragging her slightly towards a group of young people.

"Oh, nothing. Never mind." she said, covering up.

"Are you sure?" he asked, wanting to make certain she was comfortable.

"Oh yeah. Just....cramps." she lied. She had learned from her mother: if you ever need a guy to shut up, talk about your period.

Silence. She waited. It had worked. They were walking towards the same group of people now and Joe was saying hi. Suddenly, Ella felt light headed. The last thing she heard was Joe calling her name, and she felt a terrifying thud.
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