Stupid Little Love Song.

Yay, Bobby.

There we were, the whole class was outside for the last day of school, anticipating for the final bell of out sophomore year to ring. A.k.a., my last day ever at that wretched school.

As usual, Bobby was hanging with his friends, the popular fucks were hanging with one another, the clones hung with the other clones and I hung out by myself. Against the brick wall that surrounded the school. And, oh, lucky me, I was sitting close to Bobby's smart-ass friends. He had four:
He had Sean, the chess player with red hair and pasty skin.
Josh, the skater that was very scientific, to the point that it was disgusting because "there was a scientific reason for everything, and religion is full of lies". And he was loud about it. Couldn't shut his trap to save him.
Charlie was actually a girl, but she was lesbian. She had long, blonde hair and huge doll eyes..gothic doll eyes. She was very pretty, but I didn't swing that way. Just in case you needed to know.
And who could forget about Pete, the stoner who was very good with poetry and the electric guitar. Sometimes he would go by "Eel" because he moved so swiftly when he walked.
They all stood together, laughing and smiling and joking around.

So I sat against the wall, alone as usual. And I stood out; even if I did hang out with Bobby's crowd, I wouldn't fit in. My hair was sky blue, my eyes were huge-- bigger than Charlie's-- and magnified behind glasses. Even though we had uniforms, we accesorized, and I never liked right in mine. I wore a lot of cuffs and bracelets up my arms, drew little stitches on myself with sharpie, Chuck Taylors of assorted colours and knee-high socks with silly designs.
But that day was wash day. I ended up wearing my pink skull-and-crossbones socks that I'd had since I was twelve or eleven, back when I thought that Avril Lavigne was a serious rebel, and green Chucks that I stepped in a mud-puddle with a few days prior. I almost puked each time I looked down at that combination of poser-punk and poopy-Esq shoes.

SO BACK TO THE STORY. As I sat against the wall, writing my usual song about Bobby,
"Your world looks so enchanting, and all I have to offer you is this, just a stupid little love song."
I noticed a thunder of laughter coming from the group of popular fools.
As I looked up, someone called, "Hey, Hailey! Are you a zombie, or did you get attacked by millipedes?!"

Oh, great. they were talking shit about my stitches again. I didn't respond.

"Yeah, an' what's with the socks!" Dawn called. Stupid heifer.

"Come on! It's fucking high school! Mind your own business, you goddamn piece of shit!" someone called from the chatter next to me.

"Are you defending your girlfriend, Bobby?"

Bobby? Was he defending me?


I tried to pretend like nothing happened, hovered over my notebook and continued writing, when someone approached.

"Hey, Fish, are you okay?"

Fish? I looked up, and it was too good to be true.

He sat next to me, despite the hooping and hollering. "What are you writing about?" Bobby asked sweetly.

Unfortunately, I was completely dumbfounded.
He was so gorgeous. He was exactly my height with dazzling green eyes. "You don't want to tell me, huh? It' okay. I understand."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just really, um..." I stuttered.

"Distracted? Shy?"

"Silly? Oh snap."

"He laughed. "Nervous?"

"Yeah. Overwhelmed."


Time to make things up. "Well, it's my last day here. I'm getting transferred to another school."

"Aw. I never got to talk to you, really. I mean, you always seemed cool to me. In fact, didn't I see you at Walgreen's last Sunday?"

When I was buying tampons? In the tampon aisle? "Yeah, you did."

"I thought so."

Great, I thought, an awkward silence. Luckily, he broke the silence. "So what music are you into?"

"A little bit of everything."


"Some pop, some punk, some r 'n' b."

"Really" His eyes widened.

"Yup. But I love the Misfits."

His head nearly fell off. I knew that'd get him. "Hell yes! Which song do you like the most? Oh, I love--"

The bell rang, and I could not be more upset.

"Dammit. Just when we were starting to talk. Do you live close by?"

"Well, eastward..."

"Oh." He sounded disappointed. Everyone knew that the east side of town was the crap side with the houses that smelled like cat pee, whether or not the residence had a cat. "Well," he continued, "I don't live far. Maybe we can hang out sometime. Or we can meet up at Walgreen's." He smiled. My heart nearly melted.

The two of us stood up and picked up our backpacks from the ground.
"I hope we can talk later. You seem really awesome." I said without thinking. Go me!

"Well then I'll see you later." He walked away. "Enjoy your summer!" he called.

"You too!" I replied, walking the opposite way to catch my bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bobby reminds me of this one guy I think is so cute,
But is probably gay.

So like I said, this is on hiatus.
Unless you beg....
Just kidding.
No, seriously. Hiatus.