The Note of Love

Ed & Alex :D

Alex walked into the house he shared with Ed and Ali, It was silent, he flung his house keys onto the table when he noticed a note, he automatically realised it couldn’t be from Ali, because he was away for the weekend with his parents in Wales.

Alex walked over to the note and picked it up, he sat on the sofa and opened it slowly, he had a bad feeling about it, on the front of it, it just had ‘Alex’ wrote on it, when he unsealed it he pulled it slowly from the envelope, he unfolded the piece of neat white paper inside he opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Alex

I couldn’t take this anymore, I just couldn’t live a lie, I wanted to tell you so much, but I was scared that you would abandon me, and I just couldn’t live with myself if you did that, to be honest I can’t live anymore, that’s why I want you to know.

I love you with all my heart Alex, more than anyone will ever love you, I’ve loved you since the day I met you, you were the only person I had ever wanted to be with, every girlfriend you’ve had I’ve been jealous of. You were so kind to me all those years, you were the best, best friend anyone could ever wish for, and I hope with all my heart you find happiness with someone one day.

I would of told you, only if there was a glimmer of hope in my heart that you felt the same, but I know you don’t, Alex do me one favour please, don’t ever blame yourself. I love you so much Alex
All my love Ed x

“He loves me too” Alex said with tears rolling down his eyes.

Alex slipped the paper note into his pocket and grabbed his keys of the table, and rushed to Ali’s jeep that he also drove, and he made his way to a place just outside York, where Ed liked to spend time. He prayed he wasn’t too late, it was all going to slow for Alex, and he just wanted to save his best friend and one true loves life. He hadn’t realised Ed loves him in the same way he loves Ed. Alex pulled his car up to near a old bridge, it was dark, it was around 10pm at night. Alex ran over towards the bridge shouting his friend. He began to have doubts if he chose the right place to come too, that’s when he heard a whimper.

He rushed over too a small tree where he found his best friend on the floor shaking and crying.

“Ed?” Alex asked
“Please Alex don’t hate me” Ed said with tears rolling down his face
“Ed why would I do that?” Alex said softly
“Because I love you Alex” Ed said not looking at Alex
“I love you too Ed” Alex said softly then sitting next to Ed
“I love you in the wrong type of way” Ed said still crying

Alex moved over and kneeled down in front of Ed, it was then when Ed looked up at Alex and into his eyes.

“Please don’t hate me” Ed whispered again looking into Alex eyes
“Sshh” Alex hushed

Alex leaned down and kissed Ed softly on the lips, Ed didn’t move. When Alex pulled away he whispered

“I love you with all my heart Ed”

Ed leaned forward and pressed his cold lips softly against Alex’s, Alex reacted quick to the kiss and started to kiss back. They rolled over so Alex was sitting on Ed’s stomach. Then he pulled away.

“Oh no, I’m really sorry Alex, I shouldn’t of kissed you, I realise if your kiss was just to comfort me, I will go, I will carry on with my plan..” Ed said with tears still rolling down his face

“Ed as I said before, I love you, I only pulled away too look into your beautiful brown eyes and to tell you that I’m going to tell the others that were a couple”

Ed’s jaw dropped, he was speechless, he didn’t no what to say, so instead of talking he leaned up and pressed his lips once again against his love.
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tell me if you like, because if you do , i will make a sequel, or even carry it on as a normal slash storie :D thanks x x