Betting Chances

Jack and Zack

Alex's Point Of View.

It's been two days since that party. Damn, my life is boring. Ever since that party, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. Her name? No clue. All I know is that, she was different.

"Alex, snap out of it."

I shook my head only to see Jack smiling at me.

"What's goin' on, man?" He laughed. "You're either buzzed or something big is on your mind."

"The second one." I sighed.

"Still thinking about that one night stand?" Zack, my other friend, walked up to us and sat down beside Jack.

"I wish it wasn't." I ruffled my brown hair. "I've been trying to figure out who she was all day."

"Well, let's see." Jack started. "All you know is: she has really dark brown almost black hair, she has a peace sign tattoo just below her waist line and a tattoo on her side that says Diamonds in the moonlight, Dancing on the sea.. Yea, that helps a lot."

Zack chuckled, "What? Are you going to demand every girl in the school strip so you can see their tattoos?"

"Or sleep with all of them." Jack pitched.

"You guys are freaks." I sat back. Sure, they had a point. I'd have to search through this entire school to find one that doesn't even know my name let alone that I want to find her.

But I remember some details that Jack already mentioned. Her tattoos stood out quite a bit. The one that I remembered the most was the one that stretch across the side of her curves. A large diamond on top of a heart. Scribbled across the two was the phrase Diamonds in the moonlight, dancing on the sea in a neat cursive handwriting after that song This Is the Real Thing by This Providence. I remember running my fingers across her velvet skin, the way her hair tickled my senses.

"Alex, you're zoning out again." Jack snapped at me.

"Sorry." I placed my hands over my eyes. "I at least want to know her name."

"Well, why don't we give her a nickname?" Zack suggested.

"Diamond." Jack said quickly. "After her tattoo. And no one will know what we're talking about so it's perfect."

"Jack, that's.. Actually, that's brilliant." I can't believe I just said that.

"I have my moments." He rolled his eyes.

"So, wait, how are you going to find her?" Zack asked.

"No clue. I'll just let the clue unveil itself.. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"That girl you were talking to." I smiled. "She was cute."

"Oh, so you remember her but not the girl you fucked?" Jack hit my on the side of my head. "You're an idiot."

"Yea, I--well, she found me." He sighed. "I feel terrible. I couldn't even remember anything we talked about because I was so drunk."

"What's her name?"

"Hailey Reynolds."

"HA!" I laughed. "Her?! I had a run in with her in French."

"Oh, yea, I heard about that." Jack smirked.

"Her twin is quiet." I scratched my head.

"That's Jesse." Zack said. "She's cool. She was my chemistry partner last semester."

"She's cute." Jack mumbled.

I smiled, "Go get her, man."

"I was going to last semester but never did."

"But Zack might hit it off with Hailey, and she could put a good word in for you." I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"Eh, maybe. I'll think about it." He sighed.

"Dude, the school dance is like a couple of weeks away. Ask Jesse." Zack got excited.

"Go for it man! It's not like any of us are going to go after her anyway, so go for it." I smiled.

"You know what. I'll do it. I'll ask her during free period." Jack stood up confidently.

"More power to you."