The Blood Lust

Hello there... My name is Mika. I'm just your average 22 year old. I have long brownish hair and hazelish eyes. My name was given to me by my father who was part japanese. It means New Moon.

Anyways enough about me. It's far into the future and things here are normal for me. My step brother Josh lives next door, I have an awesome neighbor named Ms. Keaton on the other side. I work at Club Blood and Silver Lining with my best friend Christiana and ex-boyfriend. My ex-boyfriend is a werewolf... Yes, they do exist.

One day, my brother Josh tells me about the "family secret" and things take a turn for the worst. See, back in the 1500s, the government (unknown to everyone) began these conversion experiments. Things went pretty well until an evil scientist killed off everyone keeping the secret for himself. He changed into something horrible, something that had an unquenchable blood lust... A vampire. Thousands of years later, he's still around and now, I'm the only one who can stop him...

Somebody, please.... save me.