Sequel: Love's Requiem

Everything I'm Not

We sure are cute for two ugly people

“Not so brutal now are you, Gaskarth?” I asked going in to the bathroom with a bottle of water and two aspirin.

“Shut up” Was all he managed to say in between vomiting.

“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re hung over.” I cooed while rubbing his back, and kissing the back of his neck.

“What happened last night?” He asked me as I helped him back to his bed.

“Would you like me to start off with you declaring all time low as being a death core band, or how you tried to do an inhale with Mitch and sounded like a dying cat?”

“Oh Jesus.”

“It gets better!” I told him making him pull the blanket over his head. “When I got you back here, you told me you want tattoos so my friends will like you that way you can make me your girlfriend and I quote wifey fo lifey.” I said cracking up.

“Laugh it up Bella, laugh it up.” He mumbled sarcastically through the blanket.

“Don’t mind if I do.” I said jumping on him and hugging him through the blanket.

“Bella.” He groaned.

“Yes Alex?” I asked going under the blanket to find him.

“Hi” He smiled and kissed me.

“Ew puke kiss.” I laughed as I went in to his arms.

“More sleep.” He said kissing the top of my head, as I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

A few hours later we had to meet up with the bus and head down to southern California for the first warped stop in Pomona.

“Now Bella no fighting anyone on the tour.” Jack told me while I was reading a magazine at the table in the front of the bus.

“I never fight anyone. I’m a walrus.” I told him making him laugh.

“Goo, goo ka choo.” He nodded.

“How’s Alex doing?” I asked him.

“Still asleep I think.” He told me.

“I’m gonna go check on him.” I said closing the magazine and heading to the bunks.

Alex was still dead asleep in his bunk he looked adorable.

“Bella.” I heard him mumble.

“What’s up? Can I get you anything?” I whispered moving his hair out of his face.

“No more alcohol for me.” He said and then went back to sleep.

I let out a small laugh and headed back to the front of the bus.