
Chapter 5.

“We have to find him.” Howard said, pacing up and down the shop.

“Where do we start Howard? He could be anywhere.” Naboo told him.

“I don’t care! He’s been through enough lately, now he’s been kidnapped.”

“It’s not your fault. It could be anything, we are in London after all.”

“But I just want to know where he is. He’s my best friend for God’s sake!” Howard stormed out of the store. Naboo looked over at Bollo.

“Back to the flat.” Naboo walked back into the back room with Bollo and they travelled back to the flat to let Howard in, who no longer had a key.

When Howard arrived at the flat, he saw the door open slightly so he walked straight up. He saw Naboo and Bollo in the living room, waiting for him.

“We have a plan.” Naboo said.

“What is it?”

“Travel back to last night on street.” Bollo told him.


“I’m a shaman, I can use a spell.” Naboo told him, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

“Well go on then.” Howard told him.

A few moments later, they were in the street as it had been last night. They could see Howard and Vince walking up the road, stopping and then talking for a few minutes.

“Don’t worry, we’re invisible and mute, they can’t hear or see us.”

“Good.” Vince started walking off and Howard went up to his flat.

“Now, come on.” Naboo said. They followed Vince down the street until a figure came up behind him and whacked his over the head with a fish? Then Howard got a good look at him.

“Old Gregg.” He said, bile filling in his throat.

“Really, that’s Old Gregg?” Naboo asked.

“I’m Old Gregg!” Gregg waved the fish above his head.

“Never mind.” Naboo told him.

As Gregg started to drag Vince away, they found themselves back in the loft’s living room.

“So what are we going to do now?” Howard asked.

“Bollo, get the submarine out of the attic.” Naboo said to him. Then he turned to Howard. “We’re gonna go get Vince back, that’s what we’re gonna do.”

“So you think Old Gregg took him back to the cave?” Howard asked.

“I think so. I’ll try and get in touch with him.”

“How?” Howard asked confused.

“Well lately, I’ve seen Vince showing some new skills. Mainly, telepathy. He doesn’t realise it yet though. I think it was the shock of you dying that brought you latent powers in him.”

“What else can he do?” Howard asked. Bollo had only just got into the attic, so they had a couple of minutes before they were leaving.

“Well he’s always been able to talk to animals, that was the only skill he kept, but he can also shape shift. He can turn into any animal.”

“Right, but getting back on the matter at hand, can you get in touch with Vince then?”

“Yeah, just give me a minute ok?” Naboo closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt Vince’s mind and reached out to it. “Vince, can you hear me?”

Vince looked up with a start. Old Gregg had left him about an hour ago, or so it seemed. But he swore he heard someone’s voice, Naboo’s voice.

‘No, I’m just going crazy. Naboo isn’t here.’ He thought to himself.

“Vince, I am here. I’m using telepathy.” Naboo said, well thought, to him.

“Naboo? Where are you? And what is telepathy?”

“I’m at the loft. And telepathy is talking through your mind. I can’t believe you didn’t know that.”

“Alright easy, don’t start on me. I’m at Old Gregg’s cave, you coming to rescue me or what?”

“Yeah, we gotta get there first. We’re on our way now, Bollo just got the submarine down. We should be there soon.”

Vince snorted. “Yeah, how long should I wait then? A few hours?”

“Honestly, we should be there within 30 minutes. The 3 of us will see you soon ok?”

“Ok, see you then. Hopefully.” Vince felt the connection break and suddenly he was on his own again. He put his head back against the wall, when he suddenly realised Naboo had said ‘the 3 of us’. Who did he and Bollo have with them? Maybe it was T.J. maybe he found out just how weird the 3 of them were, or maybe…

Maybe it was Howard. Maybe Naboo had got him back after all. Gregg had said that Howard was back. But, that he had changed as well. Would he recognise Howard now? Or was Old Gregg just lying altogether?

“How much longer til we get there?” Howard asked.

“5 minutes. Same as you asked about 30 seconds ago. Now stop asking, or I’ll throw you out.” Naboo warned.

“Ok, no need to get drastic. I just wanna get Vince back and get home, that’s all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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