Sequel: Insatiable
Status: Only two more chapters to go until finished!


Chapter Forty

A scream sounded through the mansion.

I had been hovering over Felicity when I heard the tale tell scream of the girl that I had been hiding up in my quarters. I shut my eyes tightly and pushed myself up off the bed, Felicity beckoning me to come back. I shook my head and grabbed the shirt that had been discarded to the floor and walked down the hallway toward where the scream had originated from. Within seconds, my father was walking steadily beside me.

“She left your room?” he asked. His voice void of emotion. I only nodded and a slight smirk grew on his face.

“Humans.” He sighed. “We should probably hurry. The human is important to you, is she not?”

I kept my eyes forward; I wanted to get to her. Who knew what could be possibly happening with her. With all my family in the mansion, who knew who could have seen her. I inhaled and stopped walking. My father looking at me curiously as he ceased walking also.

“Out of all the people she runs into…” I trailed off, I could see the sheen of red covering my eyes and the shifting in my gums. I didn’t wait for my father to ask what I was talking about, I was already rushing down the stairs and hallway as fast as I could possibly go. I knew the smells anywhere I went. They were my uncle's, and Patrick wasn’t too far off. Down another flight of stairs and the long hallway that led toward the dining room. I stopped and sniffed the air once more before turning right and rushing down the hall that lead to the green house. I stopped short as I heard my uncle's whispering.

“We should take her, she should already be dead. She saw things that she wasn’t supposed to see. It’s a danger letting her walk the lands knowing our secret.”

I turned the corner and stopped short. Emmbla was lying on the ground unconscious, Patrick beside her with her head in his lap. His smile mocking me as I stepped forward. My uncle's ceased their hushed talking as they noticed my presence.

“Move away from her Patrick,” I growled as I took another step forward. He only smiled as she stood up, bringing her with him.

“You took my play thing. So I’m taking yours,” he sneered as he picked her up bridal style. “From what I know, she responds to me well. Better than Felicity did when I first turned her.”

I took another step forward, I could feel the haze in my head. He wasn’t allowed to have my Emmbla. She was mine, she gave everything to me. Mine. Mine. Mine. I felt the haze fully take over as I stepped forward again no longer menacing steps. I was ready to attack, I wasn’t going to let him take her.

“Cullen.” My father’s voice sounded from behind me as Patrick broke into a run and I attempted to chase after him. Quickly my uncle's stepped in front of me, blocking me from running after him. I turned around swiftly and glared at my father as he spoke,

“It was his job to get rid of her in the first place.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Threw you for a loop there didn't I?
Yup sure did.

Don't hate.
I was just looking at the poll about Cullen and Patrick on my page. And only 1 of you voted for Patrick hahaha, there was like 46 for Cullen. What a landslide. But I'm not taking it off yet. Go vote!
Who do you want Emmble to get with!?
Cullen or Patrick.

Anywho, don't worry I will have another chapter up soon. Comment/Subscribe.

No really...Comment. COMMENT!! haha