Sequel: Insatiable
Status: Only two more chapters to go until finished!


Chapter Six

That bitch.

Those were the first words that flew through my mind. That little bitch had clobbered me over the head with a fucking paperweight, trying to kill me or to leave a mark.

Either way if she would have left a mark it wouldn't have lasted long. Along with killing me... it's virtually impossible to kill me. Stupid humans and their stupid myths. Always made my kind hunted. Along with their myths about other creatures and us.

"Fucking numskulls," I mumbled to myself, my chin jutted out.

There was no doubt that I was upset. It had been ages since a mortal had bested me and got away from me. And the thought of a human, a GIRL nonetheless, really just irked me.

"Baby..." a muffled voice called, I stiffened as I swung open the door and walked down the hallway to the room that my muse of the night was staying in. She thought it was my room... No one has ever been in my room. I wonder what she would think if she knew how many other girls had stayed in that bed, had been killed in that bed.

Heh, better not tell her. I wouldn't want a weakling like her to cause a scene. Let alone at school. It's been years since I've went to school, and I wasn't about to let someone ruin it. And that brought me back to Emmbla. That girl. Ugh, she had always been a nuisance. But I wouldn't have to worry about her with my secret. Anything thing she ever said was always a lie to the student population. But the girl that I had in the room, yes, she could very well ruin the secret of where I lived. It looked how it did from the outside to scare away people, but it also invited thrill seekers. And we always gave them a thrill. Most that have come here usually ended up being sent to the insane asylum. Makes laughter bubble up in me when I think about it.

I walked into the room, right as the naked girl crawled out of bed.

"Baby?" she whispered, walking toward me.

Moonlight glinted off her tan skin, all of the blemishes of her skin shone. I always thought it was funny how humans could go and do their fake sunning, and never even notice how disgusting their skin looked. How disgusting they looked in the eyes of my people.

I felt her leathery arms wrap around me, and instantly I shrugged her off.

"Go back to sleep, Clare," I mumbled, not looking at her.

"But I want you to be with me," she purred, wrapping her arms around me once again.

Her voice was polite, nice even. But the way that her skin felt against mine was almost unbearable. Humans were always too warm.

"Go to sleep, I'll join you soon," I mumbled,

"Okay sugar," she replied walking back to my bed, making sure to wiggle her ass as she settled in.

I almost puked. Well if my kind could, then I would have puked. Hurled up my insides. But my kind just had to be always in perfect health. I sauntered over to the window and watched as the stars sang their song. Their small lights, in a distance were the core to another civilization. Another life form. Another way of life. I felt myself relax once I heard her breathing even out. This was usually the time when I wiped their memory, and placed them back in their bed at home. The night’s occurrences would be nothing but a dream.

My mood darkened as I thought of how she had got away. Fucking Emmbla. When I took back Clare, I would have to drop by Emmbla's house. Maybe stop by my father's office on the way. His secretary wasn't in, but I was supposed to pick up the cooler that my father had left there. Maybe have a quick snack before I ambushed Emmbla.

I turned on my heel and walked out of my room and back down to the kitchen. The downstairs was starting to bustle with activity. House cleaners had already come up from their rooms and started to clean. I made my way though all of the young girls not making eye contact with any. Some reason they always became infatuated with me whenever I looked at them. I tensed as I passed a couple of the younger ones, their giggles growing louder as I passed then quickly died down whenever they figured out I wasn’t going to look.

In the kitchen, my little sisters had already begun eating, their smiling faces so early in the morning almost made me want to kill them, but of course, there was nothing I could do. Not even throwing them out in sunlight could get rid of them. Sometimes I wished that the legend were true.

"Honey," my mother nodded toward me as she walked into the large dining room and sat down two plates of eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns. Since the girls were, so young they were not allowed to go outside without supervision and had to eat. My father always said that they had to eat normal food in order to produce muscle mass and grow up healthy.

"Honey, are you hungry?" she asked as she wiped her hands on her apron, and walked around the table watching her youngest eat, giggling at each other.

"No," I mumbled my jaw clenched. I was still pissed off. The girl upstairs barely quenched my thirst and Emmbla drew up something in me I couldn’t quite grasp.

My short answer though caught my mother attention. Now she was looking at me, her eyes boring into mine.

"Are you okay honey?"

Now her hand was gripping the chair, her wedding ring glinting off the lights from the chandelier.

"I'm fine mom. I think I'm going to go pick up dad's stuff."

She didn’t answer for a moment, but then she nodded and turned her attention back to the twins and scolded them for throwing their eggs at one another. I shook my head, let a smile crawl up into my lips, then turned around, and took the back stairs up to the second floor.

In the room, the girl was still sleeping. I shook my head as I gathered her clothes and stealthily slipped them back on her. Picking her up bridal style, I walked over to the window, and unlocked the large French doors.

If my parents knew that I had girl's over at night, and that I fucked them; they would be pissed, my mother more than my father. The thoughts of us being found out were usually too much for her to bear.

Keeping my eyes from casting downward to look at Clare's sleeping face, I jumped off the balcony.

It was only a few minutes later when I arrived at her house. Silently, and careful not to hit her head against some random rough object I crept into her room and placed her in her bed, pulling the blankets over her.

I leaned down, kissed her leathery head, and jumped out of her window. Emmbla was the only thing on my mind.
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It makes me update faster =]
thanks to all those who commented before >.<
makes my day.