Medically Speaking You're Adorable

Chapter Thirteen - Grow So Gentle

I pulled back, gasping for a breath.

Even though the kiss was so simple, it took so much of me to do that. That was hands down the bravest thing I had ever done, my feelings out in the open, though they were new to me as well.

I wasn’t sure what to do now, sure we had kissed, if you could even call it that, but what happened afterwards. Damn I have no idea when it comes to this kind of stuff, they should have some sort of class on it at school, it’s probably more important than some of the classes we have to take.

I sat dead still, hands nervously picking the lose threads on the very top of my jeans pocket, slowly pulling away more and more little pieces of material. Gerard looked a little shocked, like a stunned mullet. I giggled out loud over that, it was not an appropriate time but I couldn’t help it. Gerard swung his head to face me, a look of dread set hard on his face.

“You’re joking around aren’t you? I knew this could never be for real.” He slammed his head into his hands, cursing himself repeatedly.

“Gee, no, no, I m-meant it, I mean it, I s-swear, I was just thinking that’s all.” I rushed the words out, stumbling over a few, just trying to get him to stop. I couldn’t.

“Gerrrrarddd, stop it now! I fucking mean it. STOP.” I let out a small scream, not loud enough to alert Donna or Don though, I don’t want them coming up here now, not with Gerard like this.

Fuck he was still upset, I don’t think he even heard me.

I grabbed hold of his chin, pulling his face upwards I planted another small peck upon his lips, trying to silence his constant battle with himself, I hated it when he said such degrading things, he was prefect, just so wonderful.

He always denies it though.

He looked back up at me, a small smile slowly appearing, he really was beautiful. I always knew, I guess I didn’t realise this isn’t how your supposed to feel about friends, I think there was something wrong with me. I’m pretty sure most people can see these things. Maybe I’m just a little slow on putting feelings with emotions and understanding them.

I’m glad I realised now.

“Y-you, m-me, fucking h-hell Frankie, I’m so confused.” I looked up at him, he was adorable when he got nervous.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, sighing, trying to think what I should say.

“Gerard, I’m confused as well. I didn’t know you liked me, hell, I didn’t know I liked you. So when you kissed me, I freaked out. I didn’t have relationships on my schedule. But, I think I like you, I like you more than I should, I just didn’t realise there was a difference between the feelings I had for you and the feelings people have for their friends.” I looked around the room, picking at my pants a little more.

“I understand, you just didn’t realise, b-b-but are you sure now?”

“Yes, I like you Gerard, I like you a lot.” I grinned widely, leaning over to peck his lips again.

“You don’t know how happy that makes me feel, I’m so fucking happy.”

I beamed at that, I had done what I wanted, I wanted to make him happy.

The feeling was great, I love making gee happy.

“Did you sleep much last night?” Gerard asked me.

“Umm, not really, I was thinking about all of this a little too much, you know how I like to think things over.”

“Oh damn, I can just imagine how long you spent on this, don’t worry though I didn’t get much either.” He pointed down to the couple of beer bottles lying on the carpet.

“I wasn’t exactly happy with myself.” He looked ashamed, I never wanted him to feel embarrassed because of me.

“Don’t worry, you did something wonderful, hell, you’ve made me so happy Gerard.”

Gerard smiled down at me.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do for you Frankie.”

I yawned a little, crawling over to the right side of Gee’s bed, I kicked off my shoes and pulled back the covers.

“Coul-l-l-ld I sleep for a little while, I’m pretty sleepyyyy?” I yawned though the sentence.

Gerard giggled at me.

“Sure you can, I pretty drained to.”

We both snuggled under the blankets. I moved closer to Gerard, nuzzling my head into his chest like always. He was so fucking great to cuddle into, I loved falling asleep like this………

I woke up facing Gee’s clock, three o’clock shone back, I’m glad I didn’t sleep until night time, it would have annoyed me. I hate waking up to late, of course I hate waking up early but if I’m asleep after twelve o’clock I normally get in a pretty bad mood. I didn’t want to ruin anything though so I tried to keep in mind that this was a special day, it wouldn’t matter if I slept a little past twelve.

I turned over, Gee was still asleep, I didn’t want to wake him, he looked beautiful, just lying there slowly breathing in and out, his chest rising and falling, his heart pumping at a steady beat. The small amount of light coming into the room allowed me to exam his delicate features as he slept, fully unaware of my watch.

The light revealed his small nose, just above his gorgeous lips, glistening softly in the afternoon light. His skin was deathly pale, but somehow it made him only more attractive conflicting with his jet black hair, I always liked a bit of contrast.

His mouth twitched slightly and soon his eyes were fluttering open. He looked around for a second before his eyes hit mine, a smile spread lazily.

“Were you watching me Frank?”

“It was a little hard not to, you are stunning Gee, captivating.”
He growled a little.

“Frankie, you now I hate it when you say things like that, we both no I’m not.”

How could he not see it?

“Gerard, this is how I see you, truthfully. I don’t know what you see in the mirror, but to me you are prefect. It’s more perplexing to me that I’m supposedly “amazing”.

“Frank, you’re striking, you should be going out with some extremely hot girl, living like a normal teenager.”

“Gerard, it’s you I like, and why the fuck would I want to go out with some “hot” girl when I could have you.”

“And Gerard come one we both knew well before this I’m not exactly a normal teenager.”

“Yeah I think I realised that when you went on about that desk for two weeks.” He giggled to me, Gerard always found my love for the desk funny.

“Geeeerarddddd, don’t make fun at me, it was my desk.” I whined to him.

“Oh, don’t worry Frankie babe, I was just joking around.”

“Good, cause that kid was really rude and in my personal space, it made me feel sick.”

“Ohhh Frankie, you really are a unique one.”

I nuzzled into his neck, briefly pecking his lips.

Laying my head back, I smiled slightly, this was all so good.