Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 1-Frank

The supposed creator of everything in the universe. But I don’t get it. If there really is an almighty powerful man up there why doesn’t he just make the world a great place? Get rid of all the bad guys, cure all diseases, stop global warming?
I know the answer to this.
There is no god.
Or if there is he’s a sick twisted man with a fucked up sense of humor.
Those are the only possibilities.
But than again the world is a fucked up place and everyone is just a little fucked up. But I guess some are more fucked up than others.
Take me for instance.
Frank Iero. 17 years old, still in school, living with my parents. On the outside we seem like any normal family.
On the outside.
Come take a peek into my house late at night one day and you’ll know the truth. That’s the only way you’ll know the truth. Nothing else will show you what happens. No marks or anything. That’s only because I heal so fucking fast. This just worsens the whole situation.
You see I have super powers.
Yeah I know what you thinking, Super powers? Come on give me a break.
But I’m not kidding. I have fucking healing abilities.
And it sucks.
Maybe if I didn’t have this I could have a normal life.
But no.
My parents beat the crap out of me every night for being such a freak and for just existing. They are hardcore god worshiper’s and would have killed me a long time ago if they could.
But they can’t.
Because I heal so fast. Some days I wished I could die. I thought it’d be better than what I was going through.
But than I found the site.
That site changed my fucking life. Well not exactly the site it’s self. More like the guy who made the site. Gerard Way.
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Chapter previously known as "Intro"