Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 5-Frank

The day after I had emailed Gerard I took Misha out to the playground.
Sure we don't live in the safest neighborhood but there hadn't been a dead body found there in over 2 weeks so i thought it was safe enough.
"Frankie push me higher!" Misha said laughing.
I smiled.
Misha was the only one who loved me despite the fact that I was a freak of nature.
She was the only one who really gave a crap about me.
Sad ain't it?
17 years old and the only person i can get to love me is my own 5 year old sister.
I gave her a few more pushes before sitting down at the park bench next to the swings cause my phone had vibrated.
I opened it and smiled.
Gerard had responded.
Subject:[ No Subject]


Of course you can stay with me. I know what its like to a certain extent. You can stay for as long as you like on one condition. You will have one month to find a job. Not because I don't want you around but because I can't really afford to support both of us for too long. Do you have a cell phone or something so we can make arrangements? Reply soon.


My heart almost stop then and there I swear to the non-existent God.
I had a place to stay!
I had a reason to live!
I was feeling happy!
I hadn't felt this happy since before I was made out to be some super-human-freak-monster.
I had a place to live now.
I didn't have to live with my parents anymore.
I could almost jump for joy.
But instead I wrote a quick reply.

Subject: Re: [ No Subject]
Thank you sooooooo much.
Call me soon.
Again thank you soooooo much.
You have no idea how grateful I am.

I hit send and took Misha off the swing, despite her protests.
I was going to start job hunting right now.

Surprisingly the first place I tried hired me.
I had only walked down the street to the Wawa to see if they had a help wanted sign.
They had.
So I had walked in and asked the girl at the counter about it and she had gotten her boss.
He interviewed me right there.
Apparently they were currently in dire need for new workers.
My lucky day.
It seemed like my life was starting to turn around.
Misha and I left the Wawa in a happy mood with those machine milkshake makers that Wawa was famous for and started for home when my phone rang.
My heart almost stopped again, I swear to non-existing God.
Who else could it be but Gerard?
♠ ♠ ♠
Previously titled Chapter 4

**i went back an edited this. =] you people should comment more. all 114 of you. i know you're out there! lol. really though please comment? <3