Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 6-Frank

I couldn’t believe I finally talked to Gerard.

He sounded really nice.

I couldn’t wait to meet him.

“Frankieeee!” Misha whined pulling on my pants leg, “Who was that?” she asked

I smiled at her. I still hadn’t told her I was leaving the house so I guess it was time to tell her.

“That was Gerard, Mish.” I started, “I’m moving into his house.” I closed my eyes waiting for her to scream at me.

I heard sniffles instead.

“You’re moving out Frankie?” she asked me her big blue eyes shinning up at me.

This little girl broke my heart.

I nodded. “Mommy and Daddy told me too.” I said hugging her.

I really didn’t know what I would do without her.

Misha started sobbing into my shirt.

“Don’t leave Frankie!” she wailed, grabbing on tight to my shirt.

My heart is officially on the floor in a million pieces.

“Misha I have to go. Mommy and Daddy said.” I tried to explain to her with out some major details.

“But, but, but..” she hiccupped, tears finally falling.

“Misha I’ll visit you every weekend.” I said trying to get her to stop crying.

“Really?” she said.

“Really," I replied, taking her hand. “But we need to go home. I need to pack.”

“Okay!” she said happily.

I swear she could be bipolar.

We walked home, Misha chatting happily about her friends and school while I though about what I was doing.

I was moving in with a guy I barely knew.

A hot one at that.

And I know for a fact that I’m a teenage boy with hormone issues.

I really didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking.

But I sure hope to non-existent God it worked out.

Thinking of the could-be-possible-pedophile (although I really don’t think he is at all…) I decided to see if I could text him.


I needed something to entertain myself while I was packing what little stuff I have.

I wonder what else I should bring along with the necessities, like CDs and stuff.

I’m pretty sure we like the same bands so I don’t know if that would mean we have the same collection or if I could expand my music collection.

I really need to stop freaking out about CDs for my brains sake…

Walking into my room I flopped on my bed and pulled out my phone finding Gerard’s name on my very short contacts list and selected new message.

Hey Gerard. I got bored. lol what’s up? =]


The message was innocent enough.

I hit sent.

I’m starting to really love my life.

Who knew a website could change someone’s life so dramatically?
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congrats to Curb Stomp and also crosscountry girl! they won the what does the description of all chapters say. and a big thank you to everyone who comments. who don't know how freaking happy getting comments makes me. i don't know how i feel about this chapter though cause i wrote it like 3 separate days. comments? i wanna know what you guys think. thanks. =] <3