Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 1- Gerard

God- the almighty immortal being.
Worshiped by millions of Human Beings. No One will admit to it but I know everyone questions their faith in God. Some more than others. With all the bad things happening on Earth we can't help but wonder about the ultimate question---Why?
Isn't God supposed to be the almighty creator of all things on Earth? The Highest Power when it comes to other worldly happenings? Sure, there's the Devil--God's scapegoat as i like to see it--to blame for all the bad things. Yet....why doesn't god do anything to stop it?
Some people work up the guts to say they don't believe in any gods. That's bullshit, too. Something bad happens to them and they all start begging to God to spare their lives. I guess it's just the human minds system of survival; all the trouble seems worth it if you have something better to believe in.
A normal human wouldn't question these things, just follow along and get through your life and all the little struggles that come up. The thing is I'm not what you would exactly call "normal". Let's just say my mind is a bit more advanced than the average human mind. I'd say more but that's a story for later on.
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Previously titled "Why?" in Careful What You Think