Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 3 - Gerard

I hate family gatherings.
I'm ignored by most of my family it's almost like I'm not even there. If it wasn't for my brother, Mikey, they would've sent me away to the "Happy Hotel" years ago. I loved my little brother. Unlike other little brothers his reaction to his big brother having super powers was actually really sweet. You would think he'd be jealous because I had powers and he didn't; or possibly spiteful because I was different and weird. Well, unlike the rest of my family he loved and accepted me for who I was; his big brother, his friend, his hero.

And no, I didn't get this from reading his mind, well, not completely. That's the sweet thing about him, he tells me even though he knows he doesn't have to. I love him for it.

However I do not love how he still makes me go to the family parties. This time he's forcing me to go to a Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the "family". I can't even make a run for it, he's forcing me to let him drive me there. And by forcing, I mean stealing my car and dragging me everywhere with him for the past week, and there is no way in hell that I am taking a bus or a cab anywhere. Nothing is more irritating then a filthy bus or a person babbling on in Arabic or whatever language those crazy taxi drivers speak.

So I'm stuck in my apartment for the next hour or so till my brother gets here. Joy.

"Hmmm. What to do, what to do?
....TV? Oh, wait no more cable.
....Comics? No, I read them all the time nothing's changed it that plot.
That works."

I log on to my computer and wait for the internet to kick in. I decide to check my website to see if any of my 'special' comrades have commented or anything.

"Huh? New email? I wonder who this is." I think once I see the e-mail address. I didn't recognize it.
"It's probably Mikey's new e-mail address or something" I mutter to myself as I click the link to open the e-mail.

Subject: [ No Subject ]

Dear marvelway,
My name is Frank. I'm 17, still in high school. You see...I have this problem. I'm special, not like retarded special. I guess the easiest way to explain it would be to say that....I don't, can't, get hurt. Any physical pain I receive disappears within a matter of seconds. The people who paid attention enough to notice use it against me.

But enough about me.
What's your story?
Your website said you could tap into other people's minds, what did you mean?
Well, that certainly wasn't from Mikey. And now I know why I didn't recognize the address.

But what this kid said, I know he wasn't lying. Yet when he asked me what I meant....
What did I mean?

I know you think it's simple. "Duh, he reads minds."
Not exactly.

It's true I can hear people's thoughts but I can alter their thought process too. I can control their dreams and for some their free will.

I just don't understand this kid though. He obviously wants to cry out for help but hides it. After he explains what makes HIM special he automatically switches the focus, like he doesn't want the attention, like it will bring him nothing but trouble.

Look at me.
Trying to decipher how this boy, this Frank kid , thinks......I really need to get out more. But until I do, I mind as well reply. He's obviously hiding something, and I want to know what.

Subject: Hello.

Dear Frank,
It's nice to meet you. My name is Gerard. I'm 22 years old and as you know I'm 'special', too. I have the ability to read minds. I can also alter a person's thoughts, you know, like their dreams and their opinions sort of.
I'm curious, when you said you can't feel pain did you mean you don't feel the pain or did you mean that the wounds just...heal themselves?
Reply soon sorry I didn't, I was kidnapped.

I didn't mention the little bit where he mentioned abuse. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries with him.
As I was typing I heard my brother digging through his backpack for the spare key to the apartment I gave him, so I quickly finished writing the e-mail and clicked "Send" just as he walked in.

"Gee! C'mon! You better be ready!" He yelled towards my room.

"All right, Mikes! Jeez, you didn't have to yell." I replied as I shut off my computer.

"Yes I did. Now let's get going or we'll be late."

"Oh no, late to a gathering of people who hate my guts. Joy."

"Shut up, Drama Queen. It's not your high school reunion yet."
Ugh, thanks for reminding me of the 'best years of my life'.

"Let's just go," I sighed.

"Finally, man"

"Asshole, you've only been here for three minutes"

"Three minutes, three hours. Same difference." he retaliated as we walked out of the building and into his car.

"Shut up and drive, Mikey"
♠ ♠ ♠
Previously titled Shut Up & Drive in Careful What You Think