Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 4-Gerard

Well it's been a while since I've talked to anyone. I was right, dinner was a disaster. My parents all but ignored me the whole time. My little cousin, Vanessa, tried but her parents pulled her away and to keep her from talking to me they said I was Hitler in disguise. It worked she stayed 3 feet away at all times. I just don't get it they protect her from practically harmless me but they tell her who the fuck Hitler is? She's only 6 fucking years old! Well, it explains why she never sleeps alone.

So after dinner the real fun started. The children were sent to another room and I was ambushed while cleaning off the table. They started trying to convince me to get help. They were rather nice about it out loud but what they were thinking....My own mother thought I was the devil....I can deal with that by itself but my dad, he thought of me as a his biggest mistake; the unplanned son who turned out to be a complete freak.

I didn't even stay to listen to them, I just left. I gave Mikey a quick glance to let him know, before running out the door. It was dark out and late. And I really didn't want to walk all the way to New York so I forced myself to go visit an old friend, Bert. We had a sorta friends with benefits thing going on for a little bit in high school so it was awkward as hell. But I was desperate.

Long story short awkward silences and moments the whole night till Mikey picked me up the next morning and took me home.

The next few weeks till Christmas are the same every year. Work, work, go home and sleep, work, go home and sleep until the next day and start all over again. Every year I pick up a few extra jobs during the holidays it keeps my mind off of other things.

This is my third year with this routine so I pretty much have a holiday job spot reserved for me at Macy's and Borders. I only have a few days left of distraction though it's already three days after Christmas. That only leaves a few more days of work distractions. Then it's back to one job and a lot of free time. Nothing to do but watch TV, sleep, go on the computer and deal with all the problems in my life...if I was normal nothing would be like this.
The thing is... I LIKE being special. I think I have a purpose I just have to find it. Maybe Frank can relate....oh shit. I was so busy with work I forgot to check my email! I run to my computer and log on sure enough-- TONS of spam emails. That's what I get for not checking for a month. After going through and deleting all the junk emails I finally find one that was from Frank

Subject: [ No Subject ]

You can change people thoughts? That must come in handy.. When I said I can’t feel pain I meant that the wounds just heal themselves. I can still feel the pain. Which sucks. You were kidnapped? By who? I wanna know now.
Your turn to reply soon.

He said reply soon, oops. Great he probably thinks I'm dead or ignoring him. Shit I feel like an ass. No reply for a month how mean can I be. I really hope he accepts my apology.

Subject: I am soo fucking sorry!

I am soooo fucking sorry I didn't reply for a whole month I feel like an ass. When I said I was kidnapped I mean my brother dragged me everywhere with him so I couldn't run away before he could drag me to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Considering the only person in the family who doesn't think I'm crazy is my brother family dinners aren't the best events. Things happened, I got pissed off, and made myself busy with work so I couldn't think about anything else. You know how I mentioned the whole control other people's thoughts thing? Well, I can't really use it when I'm upset. Well, I can but something bad always happens. So I try to keep my mind off of it by working my ass off.
I am so sorry. Please forgive me? But back to you. Have you ever tried healing someone else? Or does your body only heal itself?
This email is long enough so I'll stop now but please forgive me and write back.


P.S.- still sorry

I sent the email and looked at the clock. Oh look, Macy's calls....and I'm late...shit! I run out the door and grab my keys and start to speed towards the mall. Then I realize it doesn't matter if I'm late, I only have a few more days.
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Previously titled So Fucking Sorry! under Careful What You Think