Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 4 -Frank

I sighed as I watched a re-run of Spongebob with my little sister.
Yeah I have a sister.
Misha StephaMarie Iero.
She was 5 years old and held the heart of everyone.
The teachers at school loved her.
All her little friends’ parents loved her.
The strangers on the street loved her.
My parents loved her.
They loved her because she wasn't a royal fuck-up like I was.
I was the failure of the family.
The one who no one cold care less about.
I guess it was kinda like Matilda but in reverse.
The parents who loved one child and treated the other child like shit because they hadn't wanted her and than she was special as well. She was forced to live with those bastard parents until her teacher of all people adopted her.
But enough about Matilda.
I had a problem.
It had been a month since I had emailed Gerard back and, as always, my dreams had been crushed by getting no response.
I guess I should be used to this by now. It had only been my life for how long now?
I was brought back to the real world by a faint tugging on my pants.
"Frankie?", a small voice asked sweetly, "Santa is comin' tonight right?"
I smiled and looked down at Misha.
"Only if you were a good little girl." I said picking her up and placing her on my lap. "Were you good?" I asked her raising an eyebrow as if I suspected her of misbehaving.
She nodded her head quickly "Of course, Frankie!" she said as if that was the craziest idea I could fathom.
"Well than of course he'll come, Mish." I said mimicking her and acting as if she was crazy.
"Yay!" she exclaimed bouncing on my lap.
I laughed and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you, Frankie." she said hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek before getting off my lap and going to back to coloring like she had been doing before.
"Help me color Santa in Frankie!" she said chucking a red crayon at me.
I just laughed and got off the couch and lay down on the floor next to her. "What do you want me to color?" I asked her.
She took her red crayon and drew a line in his hat.
"Color that in." She said coloring in the jolly ol’ fella's big ol’ belly.
Christmas time was my favorite time of the year because even though my parents despise me they still act civil towards me around this time to keep up the appearance of a loving family for all their little friends at church.
They way they treated me during the holidays made me feel like an actually part of the family.
Like a normal person.
Since I had gotten lost in my thoughts once again I accidentally colored outside the line.
"Frank!" Misha yelled at me pointing at the little line outside the hat. "You messed it up!"
"I'm sowwy Mish." I said giving her puppy dog eyes.
The last time I had colored outside of the lines in her coloring book she hadn't talked to me for 2 days.
She glared at me but said that she would forgive me this time.
I went to say something to her but the front door opened and I froze.
My "parents" were home.
I sighed and looked down at the half colored Santa.
Than I realized that the coloring book was one of those giant kid sized ones.
Why I hadn't noticed it was that big before I really don't know.
Misha got up off the coloring book and ran towards the door.
"Daddy!" I heard her squeal as my dad laughed and greeted her.
I said and finished coloring in the hat before getting up and walking past my happy family to go to my rooms.
Halfway up the stairs I was stopped.
"Frank." I heard my dad's now icy voice say.
I sighed and turned around.
"Yes?" I said using the same icy tone he had used with me.
"We need to talk." he said putting down my sister and pointing to the kitchen door.
I gave him a look of confusion but made my way to the kitchen quickly.
I sat down at the kitchen table looking at table top, looking up when the door opened again.
My parents sat down quietly across the table from me.
"Frank...." my dad started off.
"We need you to move out of the house. We can't stand living in the house with a...a...a..freak like you." my mom finished for him, glaring at me.
She was the mastermind behind my life of hell.
She was the one who was in love with religion.
The religion that told her that she should hate me.
Hate her own son.
I stared at her blankly. "Wha-wha-what do you mean you need me to move out of the house?" I said shocked that even they would do that to me.
They knew I had no friends at all.
What did they want me to starve on the streets?
That makes sense.
"You heard. We want you out. We'll just tell all our friends that we sent you to boarding school. We have it all planned out. You have two weeks to get out." she said standing up and giving me an icy glare as she walked out.
"I'm sorry Frank." my dad said clapping my shoulder as he left the kitchen after my mother.
I sighed.
I should've seen this coming.
I got up from the table and headed upstairs like I had been doing before when my phone beeped, signaling that I had an email (I had a job for a week and made enough money to upgrade my phone so it got email now.)
I looked at the screen and smiled.
It was Gerard.
I couldn't believe it.
I practically ran to my room.
I flung myself from the door way to my room onto my bed, managing to shut the door with my foot while doing so.

Subject: I am soo fucking sorry!

I am soooo fucking sorry I didn't reply for a whole month I feel like an ass. When I said I was kidnapped I mean my brother dragged me everywhere with him so I couldn't run away before he could drag me to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Considering the only person in the family who doesn't think I'm crazy is my brother family dinners aren't the best events. Things happened, I got pissed off, and made myself busy with work so I couldn't think about anything else. You know how I mentioned the whole control other people's thoughts thing? Well, I can't really use it when I'm upset. Well, I can but something bad always happens. So I try to keep my mind off of it by working my ass off.
I am so sorry. Please forgive me? But back to you. Have you ever tried healing someone else? Or does your body only heal itself?
This email is long enough so I'll stop now but please forgive me and write back.


P.S.- still sorry

I read the email and without even thinking I typed a reply

Subject: RE: I am soo fucking sorry!

Don't feel bad. It's really no big deal.
But I need your help...if you don't mind, that is.
My parents are kicking me out of the house in 2 weeks and I really need a place to stay for a while until I have enough money to pay for my own apartment. I'm really sorry to ask you of this but I really need the help and I don't know who else to turn to because, well, I really don't have anyone else. I have no friends. My relatives all hate me and if I were to go to child services I'm afraid they'd take my sister too but she's perfectly normal and my parents don't have a problem with her. I don't want to risk her childhood or the chance of us being separated in foster care or where ever we'd end up. I love her too much to destroy her like that. I know that you don't know that much about me but i could really use the help.
Please think about it? I'd really appreciate it if you just thought abut it, even if you say no.

I sent the email with out even reading it over for mistakes or anything before I realized what I had just done.
I had asked a random person who I have never even met before to live with them.
What was I thinking?
I hit myself in the forehead.
I was screwed.
Look out streets, here I come...
♠ ♠ ♠
Previously titled Chapter 3