Status: Hiatus

As God Has Made Us.

Chapter 5-Gerard

"Where's your coat, Mikes?"

"I figured I didn't need it, the weatherman said it was supposed to be sunny"

"Well, that doesn't--never mind you'll figure it out"

In order to make up for the month of depression Thanksgiving caused me Mikey came up with the idea of taking me to Central Park in New York. I don't know why but he thinks we need more brother he has a slight obsession with the zoo. Ever since he was a kid. I always wondered why, but I'm not even going to try to figure out why. I could tap in to his mind but I'm afraid it's going to be some weird beastiality fetish or something. Ew. No. Change the subject fast. Okay, look, polar bears.

"Hey, look at that big polar bear! It swimming towards you Mikey!"

"Really?” he turned around only to..."OH MY GOD!"
...come face to face with the polar bear.

"Aw, shit, that scared me!" He sighed.

"I know."

"I know you know. Stop reading my mind!"

"Actually I'm pretty sure everyone in earshot of your scream knows that.” I chuckled.

He gave me a pissed off look, "Well, why is it so fat anyway?"

"Didn't you pay attention in school, Michael?" Jeez, this kid, "They have this blubber stuff to keep them warm. Kind of like a built in jacket."

"Oh, well that's--AH-CHOO!"

"Mikey, this is what happens when your don't wear a jacket in the winter. The polar bear is wearing his. See? The polar bear isn't sneezing." I stated in a matter-of-fact way, “I have heat in my car lets just go back to my apartment, okay?"

He sniffles and nods his head so we walk back to the car and start to head home. This boy, I swear, he's just so out of it sometimes I'm pretty sure the only thing he can catch is a cold. I pulled into the parking lot and dragged Mikey into the building.

"I'm going to make something warm for you to eat okay? Go lie down in my room and I'll bring you tea in a few minutes, alright?"

"Why not coffee?"

"Because tea is better for you, dumbass"

I walk into the kitchen and take out a box of some packaged soup stuff our grandmother used to make for us when we were little and get Mikey his tea.

"Gee, you have e-mail!"

That little shit I take care of him and he invades my personal emails? I grab the tea and take it to my room only to find him sitting there with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I hand him his tea.

"Read it."

I looked at the sender it was an email from Frank.


Subject: RE: I am soo fucking sorry!

Don't feel bad. It's really no big deal.
But I need your help...if you don't mind, that is.
My parents are kicking me out of the house in 2 weeks and I really need a place to stay for a while until I have enough money to pay for my own apartment. I'm really sorry to ask you of this but I really need the help and I don't know who else to turn to because, well, I really don't have anyone else. I have no friends. My relatives all hate me and if I were to go to child services I'm afraid they'd take my sister too but she's perfectly normal and my parents don't have a problem with her. I don't want to risk her childhood or the chance of us being separated in foster care or where ever we'd end up. I love her too much to destroy her like that. I know that you don't know that much about me but i could really use the help.
Please think about it? I'd really appreciate it if you just thought about it, even if you say no.


I knew he was abused but, shit, that's terrible! I mean I left to live with my grandma when I was 16 till she died, but I wasn't kicked out. I probably would have been though. There's no doubt about it; I have to help him.

"Are you going to help him?"

"Of course I am! I can't leave him out there by himself!"

"How are you going to take care of him, huh? You can barely afford to feed yourself never mind another person!"

"Says the man who comes over and eats all my food. And I have more money from the extra jobs I took last month. If it makes you feel any better I'm going to make him get a job, okay?"

"Fine, but I want you to tell me how you met this kid eventually."

I nod and start to reply.


Subject:[ No Subject]


Of course you can stay with me. I know what its like to a certain extent. You can stay for as long as you like on one condition. You will have one month to find a job. Not because I don't want you around but because I can't really afford to support both of us for too long. Do you have a cell phone or something so we can make arrangements? Reply soon.



No turning back now. I just hope he gets it in time.
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Previously titled Polar Bears under Careful What You Think