Dream My Death

Parllel Worlds

“Hello Rosalie.” He smiles at me so genuinely as he walks forward, but I know what's going to happen, I can tell, It's happened before, I hate it, I want to hate him, but I can't. Please, don't come towards me, No please.

I'm begging you, please, please just stay away, I can't bear to watch it again, I know you're not going to live, it's happened before. I can't watch.

No. It's now. It's going to happen, you're getting closer and closer, I don't want you to come near me, Just get as far away from me as you possibly can. Please!

No, that's closer. No, stay back. I can see your piercing blue eyes are reading my very soul but why aren't you getting the message to stay back. I love you. Which is why you have to go. Please go. I can't bear to see it again.

No! This time I can hear the word spewing from my mouth, you have to hear me! I can hear myself, why can't you?

He gets closer and closer, each moment, stepping towards his doom. Every time he takes a step towards me. It hurts to know that I am killing him. I watch for a moment, we are in a white place, everywhere s white, I know, I can see it, just a big white, empty space. Nothing should be able to hurt you but I know something will.

“Get back! Stay away from me! Please!”

“But why Rosalie?” He smiles his amazing smile as he worms his way into my mind and his voice echos around the nothingness and suddenly...

Its a shotgun today, A shotgun held by a masked hitman.

He appears out of thin air for a split second, fires and then disappears again.

“NO!” I scream. I begin to run but you only seem to get farther away whereas the bullet is flying towards you at some high speed. Why don't you ever see it coming Alex? You should have stopped, but no. You carry on walking, slowly but surely towards me, towards the bullet, towards your death.

I know I will only get to you when it's too late, but that doesn't stop me running and screaming. I can't see it again, please no, it's destroying my life Alex, please for my sake, stop.

You're always smiling when the bullet hits it's mark, I can see the glittering excitement in your eyes, you think you're finally going to be able to get close to me. You can't see it, why can't you see it? Please stop! I finally reach you as the bullet tears through your flesh, I can feel the hot salty tears already flowing down my cheeks before I realise they have been there this whole time.

Why didn't you listen to me Alex? You should have listened! If you had listened you would be alive! I fall to the floor next to you and gently try comfort you but all I can do is watch the pain in your eyes as the life drains out of you and those sparkling blue orbs become dull.

I have been screaming your name as you die, you couldn't hear me though and now your beautiful eyes are sightless. I couldn't get here in time Alex, I'm so sorry. I scream your name again one last time.

“ALEX!” Rosalie heard herself shriek as she sat bolt upright in her bed, her cheeks tear stained as her extraordinary eyes blurred up with tears. She felt her sister's warm embrace, trying to tell her it was okay, it was only a dream. But the dreams were destroying her life.

She wished with all her heart that, despite the happiness her favourite band brought her, despite all the friends she had made because of them, despite everything, she wished she had never ever heard of Elliot Minor.
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You'd better getcha ass commenting lest I shoot you :con:
Oh yes, I am so polite :D