Dream My Death

Blinding lights

The dreams are breaking my heart, there’s nothing I can do to make them disappear.

I pulled my iPod from my table and switched it on, pressing the earphones in too my ears, the song playing was ‘breaking’ by ‘Elliot Minor’ I listened too the words quietly, sobbing lightly.

“Rosalie” Becky shouted

I pulled my earphones out of my ears slowly, trying my best not to hurt my neck.

“You okay hon?” Becky asked me softly, sitting on my bed

I shook my head, and let small sobs escape my raspy throat

“It happened again” I chocked

Becky moved along the bed and took hold of my small frame and hugged me, her warm embrace was comforting, I gripped hold of her and sobbed into her shoulder.

I slowly fell back too sleep.

Blackpool?, Why Blackpool?, I thought to my self,
I draped up the long stone steps, why didn’t I just take the elevator, I had to go the hard way didn’t I?, The long and windy steps where tiring me out, the dull grey of the stone was blaging my head, why was I here? What was here for me?, Was alex here? Is he going to die again?

Unable to answer the questions running around my head was frustrating enough, but these annoying steps don’t help.

I seen a dim light coming from above me, still walking up the steps as the light got brighter, I arrived at the top, I looked around me, I walked to the edge of the platform, looked down, the bright lights of the traffic passing was the only light.

I turned my back towards the edge, and as I turned I noticed a dark figure walking towards me, a skinny framed figure, I knew in my heart who it was, but I didn’t want to admit it was him again, maybe if I just wished for a moment that it wasn’t him, then maybe it would be him.

But as he got closer it was, it was Alex, he looked paler than normal, his scruffy black hair was scruffier than normal, his red skinny jeans where ripped to shreds, he had no top on, leaving his perfect bear chest in view.

He took small steps forwards towards me, he stopped a few metres away from me, I stared into his ocean blue sparkling eyes.

He began sprinting towards me, it took me by surprise, I stepped back, I slipped of the slippery surface of the edge, looking up as I fell, his outstretched arm trying to save me, I was falling to my death slowly.

I heard a mild gunshot fire in the distance, then Alex was falling next too me, faster than me, dead in the air.

I gasped quickly for air, shooting up in my bed, the light seeping through the closed curtains, I looked too the left of me, Becky wasn’t in her bed. ‘Just a dream’ I reminded my self closing my eyes slowly, a tear falling softly down my cheek.
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Commeny ? (: