Dream My Death

Lighting Up And Burning Out

I'm on a train, why am I on a train? I look around me and then out the window, the scenery is rushing past quickly. This is so vivid, it must be either reality or...

I glance around, scanning the faces of the people making their way to work or wherever it is that this train takes me. It must be reality. It just must.

But then I spot it. The flaming red hair, the beautiful, no... radiant face, she's sat right opposite me! This could be my chance! I want to lean over to talk to her but my body won't let me.

I remain stiff and still somehow, despite my tremendous willpower to talk to her, to lean over and speak, I try to say something, anything, but my mouth won't move, won't let me say anything to her.

I have to talk to her, it might be my only chance.

The train is slowing and finally my body decides to move, but it's not in the way I want! I feel myself standing up and making my way to the doors, I'm the only one. No, I want to go back, I want to speak to her!

I can't not, it's the only chance I'll ever get!

So close, yet so far...

The doors of the train open and I feel myself climbing stiffly off onto an empty platform. This is not right... why am I the only one getting off at this stop when the train was packed, and why isn't there anyone here to get on it?

The train sets off again and bursts into flame.

I hear myself screaming, “No!” I cry, but my voice makes no sound as the explosion drowns out my voice. No... she'll have died in the explosion...

Suddenly I'm no longer on a platform, I'm in the middle of nowhere, still watching the explosion, unable to move, stiff, standing next to the rail track.

People who never seemed to emerge but are there scurry around, pulling all the survivors out of the train.

I don't see my beautiful redhead.

My feet are taking me up the track to peer in at a window.

There she is, her body, dead, burnt, charred, lifeless.


I awake with a start and find myself sitting in the tourbus, my head leaning against the window as the scenery rushes past, I can't help but let out a startled sob and suddenly tears are pouring from my eyes.

No! Stop! It was only a dream! Rock stars don't cry!

Especially not over silly little dreams.

I never want to sleep ever again if my night, and now even day time terrors haunt me constantly, the images of her body are imprinted, burnt into my minds eye.

“Alex?” Ali asks in concern, “You okay?”

“Yeah I'm fine.” I croak, drying my eyes, “Go back to Laura,”

He stares at me for a long moment before nodding and walks back away to where he had been sat with his girlfriend. He keeps glancing back at me, I force a smile, but it just... it's not natural.

Not right. Like my dreams.