Dream My Death


The fans crowd around me, I'm laughing, we're having such fun! We're a band! And the best bit of all is that we're actually getting somewhere! I am being ever increasingly recognised on the street it's great! I smile as a girl thrusts her arm into my face along with a sharpie marker.

“Will you sign my arm please?” She smiles, batting her eyelids flirtatiously, I smile and take the pen as she jabbers on about how much she loves our music, but I have a niggling feeling she doesn't mean a word of what she says about our music, I guess that's the problem with fame, then comes the key point which tells me for definate that she doesn't just like us for our music, “Ad O.M.G! You guys are so hot!” She spazzes, “I like... love you Alex!”

I knew it.

Then I spot her. Then I know it's all going to go wrong. Her red hair bobbing away from me.

“No!” I hear myself roar as I begin pushing my way through the crowds, the girls are swarming around me, gelling me in, stopping me getting to her.

“Alex will you sign my chest?” An attractive girl asks, but I don't even give her a second glance, I need to get out, I have to stop the redhead, but I don't even know her name.

I already know what is going to happen and already I know it's way too late, but that doesn't stop me from trying. I try to push through the hordes of girls but suddenly they seem endless, everyone trying to stop me, talk to me, ask me to sign their... random objects.

“Please,” I resort to begging, “Let me through!”

They only seem to compress me tighter and then I see her walk into the road at the same time as a car speeds into her and knocks her to the floor.

The crowds disappear immediately but she is already dead, I clutch her limp figure in my arms as I sob, I never even found out her name yet she captivates me every night.

She captivates me and then is killed.

She always dies before I can get to her.

“NO!” I scream and furtively cast my eyes around the dimly lit room. My best friend Ed is sat up in a chair flicking through a magazine lazily, or at least, he had been...

He was now staring at me worriedly.

“Dreams again?”

“Yeah.” I gasp. He sighs and wanders over to my bed, bringing with him his magazine.

“Your redhead, she isn't real, it's all up here.” Ed smiles, gently tapping my cranium. I nod, I want more than anything to believe she's a figment of my imagination, but she's so real that she can't be. “Now I need sleep so please quit it with the screaming else I'll drug you.” Ed jokes. I force a smile and lay back in my bed.

Her image is emblazoned onto my retina, the image of her dead body in my arms.

Too real, she can't be made up.

I know she's real. I just do.