Dream My Death

Still figuring out

Alex POV

I dangled my legs from my bed and stepped out, I pulled my red skinny jeans on and a white T-shirt that where there from the night before, making a mental note to change them later. I walked past Ed and out of my bedroom and down the stairs, into the kitchen to make myself a coffee, I looked at the clock and it read ‘7:30’ I squinted my eyes because I was shocked I was awake so early.

Then I wondered to my self, what is Ed doing in my room when I was asleep? , I shook this thought out of my head, I thought back to my dream, I was remembering her natural beauty when she approached me, her flaming red hair in the distance as she walked away, and then her sudden death out of no where.

I walked slowly into the lounge, trying my hardest not to spill my coffee, I filled it up to the brim, I wasn’t paying attention in what I was doing I was too busy in my own thoughts.

I pushed my coffee cup onto the table and sat in the small armchair; I pulled my legs up to my chest and lay my head on my knees. I sat in thought for a moment. Thinking have I seen this girl before, maybe at our gigs, or signings, maybe past life.

Ed thinks I’m silly stressing over it, he thinks she is a figure of my imagination, but I just know she isn’t!

I lowered my legs back to the floor, and stood up, collecting my coffee which was now not as hot, I gulped the warm liquid back.

Ali walked in to the room, looking rough and hung over, and his scraggy blonde hair tied up into a loose pony and wearing the clothes from the night before.

“My head is killing me”

“Well you shouldn’t drink as much then Ali” I replied sarcastically

“What’s wrong with you?” Ali asked me smirking

“Nothing” I mumbled looking away

“Dreams again?” Ali asked still smirking

“How do you know about them?” I snapped

“Ed told me the other day, any way you got any pain killers?” Ali asked rubbing his head

“In the cupboard in the kitchen, you better take them with us tomorrow, I know what your like for getting drunk on tour, and your hangovers the next day” I muttered

Ali walked into the kitchen, cursing me as he went; I just shook my head and ignored him, and sat back down in the armchair and thought back to my dream again with my head in my hands.

“Alex” Ali’s voice knocked me from my thoughts

I looked up and gave him a questioned look

“What” I asked

“Have you phoned Ted and Dan yet?” He asked

“Why?” I replied

“They don’t know what time we're leaving tomorrow” Ali said

“Here” I chucked Ali my mobile phone “You do it”

He gave me a stern look, and walked out of the room again, leaving me to my thoughts,

But not for long, Ed walked in looking rather hyped up, it was then I just knew, I was in for a long day.
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Awesome :) , I did quite a long chapter , for me lol , my chapters are normally short, well i promice that on this story they wont :)

Becky next :) x
Thanks Vickyy x x