Dream My Death

Another Morning

“Morning Vicky.” I smile as my younger sister wanders into the kitchen smiling as she heads straight for the coffee machine as Becky sits down to eat a bowl of cereal. I hate cereal...

“Morning Rosy.” She grins at me.

“You slept right through a scream fest last night Vicktard.” Becky frowns, moody due to lack of sleep.

“Good morning to you too Becks.” smirks Vicky, blowing our eldest sister a kiss.

“I have work today so... au revoir!” the brunette grins running up to the shower, me and Vicky quickly galnce at each other before running after her.

“Oh no you don't!” We yell, grinning our heads off.

“You take aaaages in the shower!” I scream, suddenly the picture of Alex dead in front of me flashes into the front of my mind.

“No!” I scream and jump, however, because we're on the stairs, I unbalance and begin to fall backwards. I can see Vicky shouting and trying to grab my wrist to stop me falling but it's too late, I fall down the stairs, landing in a crumpled mess at the bottom.

“Ow.” I groan weakly.

Vicky is already crouching beside me as Becky appears at the top of the stairs.

“Rosy?!” She screams, “What...? What...?”

“My neck...” I moan in pain.

“We should probably call the ambulance if it's your neck sweetie.” Becky smiled reassuringly at me as Vicky whips out her mobile and moves to a different room to make the call.

“It hurts Becky.” I whisper.

“I know hon,” She sighs, “What happened?”

“Alex died...”

“Honey, I told you already, Alex Davies is as alive as I am.”

“No, I saw him dead in front of me and I jumped and... ow.”

“Why does this kinda thing always happen to us...?” Vicky sighs as she wanders back in, tucking her phone away and brushing her hair behind her ear.

“More to the point,” Becky interrupts as pain shoots down my back, “Why does this kind of thing happen to Rosalie?”
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Sorry it's short and ruuuuuuuuubbish :)