Dream My Death

She Gets Around

I lay there in pain, I heard sirens out side of the house, and Vicky ran to the door and opened it for the paramedic. The paramedic came rushing through the door and to the bottom of the stairs. My sisters moved back out of his way.

“What your name Hun” a brown haired man who seemed to look a lot like teddy Hetherton asked softly, kneeling at my side

“Rosalie” I replied grunting in pain

“I take it by where you’re positioned you fell down the stairs, is this right” he asked me.

“Yeah” I mumbled

“Okay, where does it hurt?” he asked

“My neck” I replied

“Okay Hun stay where you are, I will be back before you can say ‘boo’” He said showing a small smile.

I sat in the position I landed in, waiting for the paramedic to come back, Becky knelt down next to me, and I moved my eyes to meet with hers.

“You will be okay” Becky whispered

I gave her a small smile, and then she stood up and moved back again, the paramedic brought a neck brace. He leaned me forward softly and placed it round my neck. I winced in pain as the cold plastic took be by surprise and I moved my neck slightly.

“Well we know one thing, it’s not broken” the paramedic said smiling

I gave him a small smile.

“Okay, where going to lift you up now, lets go slow” he said taking my arm

Becky got the other side of me taking my other arm; I slipped my arms around the paramedic’s neck, and Becky’s neck. They both slipped there arms round my back, they lifted me slowly, I was unsteady on my feet, but I managed to walk slowly, I walked out of the hall and through the front door, I heard Vicky behind locking the door.

I walked slowly up the small steps of the ambulance, and the paramedic told me to sit in a small green chair at the far end of the ambulance. I sat down slowly trying not to hurt my neck; Becky could see the discomfort in my face.

“You will be okay” Becky said from in front of me climbing in the ambulance

“You seem to be saying that an awful lot lately” I said smiling at her

She smiled back and turned to the door to see Vicky climbing in and then the brunet paramedic.

“Do you know what is wrong with her?” Vicky asked the paramedic

“Whip lash I think, but I can’t be too sure, that’s why we’re getting you down to the hospital for an x-ray” he said with a smile on his lips.

“We’re?” Becky asked

“Yes, my colleague in the front, she’s driving”

Becky made an o-shape with her mouth.

“Did I ever tell you that you look like Teddy Hetherton” Vicky said smirking at the paramedic

“Who?” he asked

“Teddy, oh he is in a band we love, Elliot Minor” Vicky replied

“Cool” the paramedic smiled

The ambulance started to move down our street and the sirens started up again.

“All this fuss because of whiplash” I huffed

“We just want to know you’re alright” Becky said smiling at me


“So no broken bones Miss. Smith, your free to go, just take one of these everyday once a day for two weeks, and you will soon be back to normal in no time” The doctor said to me smiling

I smiled at him and thanked him, and got up from my seat with my neck brace still on, I walked over too my two sisters.

“No broken bones?” Vicky asked

“Nope, lets go” I replied

“Oh Becky did you tell mum?” I asked her

“No, she would just worry, and this business trip is important too her, and if it was anymore serious I would of called her” Becky said smiling

“Okay good” I replied

We walked out side, and caught a taxi back home, Becky paid.


“Mmhmm” Becky hummed

“Have you phoned in sick, from work?” I asked her

“Yep” she replied smiling.
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Long update :) enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. even though it sucks !

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