Dream My Death

I Will Love You, Until My Dying Day

”She's confessing!”

“Confessing? What kind of idiot do you take me for Ziedler?”

“Shut that crap off!” I scowl as I pass the TV room, Ed was sitting in there once again, being the complete girl he grew up as... watching Moulin Rouge.

“S'not crap!” He frowns, twisting around on the sofa to stare at me as he kneels up. “It's a really good movie!”

“Says who?” I challenge.

“Says me.” Ed pouts and spins around back into a sulking seated position.

“Sorry, I'm afraid I just don't agree.” I frown, bending down to get a beer from the mini-fridge in the room. The answer to all my problems: Alcohol.

Soon the world would look nice and fluffy and I would be able to hump the lamp-post. At least... that's what I've been told I do when I'm dunk stupid. Which is what I fully intend to do.


I'm asleep, I know I'm asleep because I can't taste the vomit in my mouth which I know I just brought up. Suddenly Ed isn't there laughing at me any more and I can no longer hear the film I loathe.

Another key give away... She's with me.

She's sitting there, on the ground, ignoring me, reading a book. She looks entranced, I personally loathe books, think they're a pointless waste of time. I mean, why read when you have TV? But she seems to glow as she reads, the light reflecting somehow off the crisp white pages as she devours the words.

I smile and watch her a while, not daring to touch her lest I spoil the illusion, but it's too late, I already know it's too late, suddenly she gives a cry of surprise and she's floating, as if she's in a tank.

Glass walls of a huge tub filled with water spring up out of nowhere slowly, she's clutching her throat, her brilliant red hair is floating up around her face and she opens her eyes, the sodden book is laid in front of the 'tank' as she swims towards me, opening her mouth so it forms a small 'o' shape, a small string of bubbles float out of her mouth, popping as she falls slowly to the floor of the tank, she's drowned I realise only too late.

Smacking on the glass of the tank I see the lively light fade from her beautiful eyes and they flutter closed.

“NO!” I scream and all too late as the glass melts under my touch and she's soaking wet, lying on the floor. I begin to sob, I couldn't save her. Again, I couldn't save her. I sob and bend over to kiss her lips but all I receive is the feeling of being slapped in the face.

“Wake up you prick!” Ed shouts in my face as I come round.

“I'm awake, I'm awake!” I mumble.

“Most people are quieter in their sleep than they are normally, but you... You always have to be the exception to every rule don't'cha Alex?” Teddy asks, smirking slightly.

“Shut up and get off me.” I mutter, glaring at him, He's straddling my hips, “You look like you're about to shag me.”

He blushes as Dan and Ali crack up in laughter at his expense, I see Ed stifling a giggle as he pushes the elder Hetherton off me and helps me stand.

“You okay?” He asks in concern as I lean some of my weight on him; my legs to weak to fully support me for some reason. “You drunk quite a lot and you might want to take a shower, you've been laying in your own sick again...”

I nod, noticing once again the poignant odour and taste in my mouth of my own vomit. I retch once again at the smell and the taste. Vile.
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sorry it's been a while :(