Dream My Death

When You Realise

Rosalie’s POV

“ROSE” Vicky shouted running in the living room where I was

“What?” I asked looking up slightly from the TV

“Becky ordered 3 tickets to the Elliot Minor gig next week” She said excited

“I thought it was tomorrow” I asked confused

“There coming back in a week” Vicky told me excited

I smiled like a loon, I was so happy, but then it hit me, what if actually meeting Alex will make the dreams go. It’s worth a try.

Vicky jumped onto the sofa next too me and lifted her knee’s up too her chest, She turned to me a smirked.

“What?” I asked her suspiciously

“When are you getting that neck brace of?” She asked me

“In a few days, the doctor said the whiplash will be gone soon, so I should be fine for the gig” I said smiling smiled

I couldn’t help getting excited, I couldn’t wait, I just wanted to scream. I always get excited too easy, but I have an unhealthy obsession with Elliot Minor, and to go to a gig it’s just ‘wow’!

Becky walked in the room with a glass of orange, she sat on the other sofa looking at the TV.

“The tickets should be here in two days” Becky said smiling widely

I smiled back at her, I stood up and stretched my arms out and yawned

“Right, I’m of to bed, it’s been a long day, I’m really tired, Good night” I said too them walking out of the room

They both mumbled a ‘good night’ too me and I walked upstairs and into my room I shared with Becky

I changed to my pyjamas, then switched the lights of and climbed into my bed, it didn’t take long for me to drift of. I was too tired to worry about the death I was about to witness.

I walked into the large building, I walked slow, not wanting anyone to hear me, when I got inside I realised that the building was the same as the Elliot Minor ‘still fingering out’ video, I looked up the steps too see Alex standing there staring at me.

I shouted up to him, he smiled at me, I got panicky and started too walk towards him, I tried to run, but my legs wouldn’t let me, he noticed me trying to get too him, as I walked I could see his red skinny jeans, they shone. They were so bright, it was almost blinding me, he had a stripy t-shirt on and he ripped it of, I could see his bear chest, it was beautiful, I stopped in my tracks, he stepped forward, soon Turing it into a run.

He jumped onto the large chandelier in the middle of the stairs, I screamed with worry and hurt, I knew what was coming, I could only stare, and I stared with worry.

It all went slow motion, I heard the plastic of the chandelier crumble, tears where rolling down my cheeks, he fell right down with the chandelier crushing him landing on top of him. I heard his faint cry as he fell. I started too scream tears still caressing my cheeks.

My eyes started too drift open

I flickered my eyes open still crying, I sat up and looked around, I felt all dizzy, the blood rushing through my body, I pulled my knee’s up to my chest and placed my head on them, I cried softly and quietly.
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Well........... It took me a while to think of the dream :)
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