"Would I lie to you?"

The thoughts and actions of an obsessed fan. Probrably wont add up, but hey...crazy people have a lot of shit going on mentally right? Therefore, I feel it works out.

Figure out for yourselves which celebrity Im talking about. If you dont, pretend its some guy in a band that you like. Generalise some of the factors- some may apply. Others not so much.

Im not a pyscho or teenie or even remotely like this character but I am a fan of the band and person 'She' has interest in; I was just toying with an idea and this came out. And I enjoy this kind of stuff...so sue me: "Im not a psycho, I just like psychotic things"- Gerard Way.

Enjoy, and be sure the tell me what you think.
  1. Well Here's Your Answer In spades...
    One Shot...That is all. Mmkay?