Dirty Diana

Diana's Ultimatum


Diana's Ultimatum

[ Diana, Criss ]

I was begining to feel that kenny got stuck in the toilet, or maybe trapped in the elevator on his way down. Nearly 30 minutes has passed, how can you mistake 5 for 30? I tried calling his cellphone but when I did no answer, instead I heard another cellphone ring--his ringtone for me. I tried following the ringtone but as I grew closer it stiopped. "This can't be happening" I said to myself. I dialed the numbers again and this time the ringtone didn't play. "odd"

I gave up all hope and decided to go upstairs into our hotel room. When I opened the door a gust of wind brushed out. The window was wide open that over looked the city. A breathtaking scene. "Kenny?" I asked following up into the next room but he wasn't there. "Kenny? Kenny?" But No answer. I decided to check in the bathroom to see if he was freshining up but to my surprise there he was--in the bathtub--drowning in his own blood with his spinal cord wrapped around his neck His eyes nearly popping out if his head and his mouth leaking with thick blood.. I Jolted back and covered my mouth with my hands. "No...No" I whispered. I rushed to the front to dial 9-1-1 or at least call for help but I couldn't believe my eyes. it was Him

"Hello beautiful"

I began to felt dizy. It was the guy who followed me, who looked at me as if I was his prey. I was stunned--I couldn't move all i could do was just breathe. he slammed the door shut behind him which made me jump. "What do you want?" I know I didn't want to ask but I had to.

"I want you" He said. i looked at him confused. My eyes darted to the phone and back at him. I tried to run for it but it disappeared. "Oh My God!" I yelled out of shock. He smirked. he arose from his seat slowly and began to walk up to me in his black coat and his eyes squinted. "I'm sorry my dear. But God is not with us today" Instantly a loud roar of thunder enrolled and made my heart race. Who is this man? Why is he here? He held out his left hand and Kenny appeared.

"KENNY!" I tried to run for him but he vanished and made me fall to the floor. "UMPH!" He laughed--a sinister one. I turned around and stood up. "What have you done to my husband!?" I asked demanding some answers. The man just looked at me, giving me an eerie feeling up my spine

"It's not what I've done with him--its what I'm doing to him" More blood began to leak from kenny's body. It's drips made a small puddle. The room grew dark and he walked even closer to me."I see something very special in you" He said, his voice echoing. "I see a spark of edge, many sins planted in you. And I must say, they have sprouted very well." He then sinister laughed. I can feel myheart pumping so loudly that maybe he heard it. I then started to pray in my mind. He drew closer to me and yelled which jumbled my prayer, he laughed once again. "God is not here with us today" He repeated. A strike of lightening whipped across the clouds. felt like I was ina movie, no this couldn't be real!

"GET OUT! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" He chuckled "I don't see anything funny! What do you want with me!" Feeling the tears roll down, my voice cracking like popping bacon and lumps in my throat, he touched my skin and I grew hot. He was so-so gorgeous up close. but how can i? How can I fall so lustly with a man who may have killed my husband. He smiled that same sinful smile he taunted at me for so long. he then went behind my back and breathed heavily, i felt warm chills escalade within my soul.

"You give me you, I give you him" His cherry-pink lips uttered. He looked at me wickedly-devilishly.

"PLEASE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He then backed me up against the wall stepping on my dress. "If you give me you, i give you him" He retorted in a calm whisper. He then pressed off of me. He stood in the middle of the floor, bowing his head and stretching out his arms. A thrust of light formed in the room. He then pressed my husband's dead corse against mines "Before this, was the richest man alive. Who pampered you in the most fortunate things, now look at him, dead wrapped in his own insides. Do you want him back?" I nodded. "So give me you, I give you him" I had no other choice, I was given the worst ultimatum as ever. "Going once, going twice"

I then stopped him. "OK OK! I'LL DO IT!" My husband then disappeared. "Good choice" he waltzed up to me, putting his gentle hands in my blonde hair, he stroked it back and then kissed me. There was a fire breathing light going off inside me. I can feel my ball gown being ripped into shreads and my hair be contained in fire. I felt something cold grab my neck and rip something off. I let out a huge yell and then collapsed to the floor...WHAT JUST HAPPEND TO ME!?

"What are you? the devil or something?" I shot at him. He smiled holding the cross-chain that was on my neck and held it in his dear palm. The cross burned into a flame then disappeared. I was very-very scared now.

"Your one and only" he whispered in my ear. He then backed up and walked away
"The one and only, not-holiness has spoken." He then stood by the wide window with his body facing me. "Good Bye Diana" He slowly fell back I ran towards the window only to see someone not there--what have i done?

- Special thanks to Joyceleyn who helped me!