Dirty Diana

Welcome to Hell


Welcome to Hell

[ Diana ]

Welcome to Hell

[ Diana ]

I remember falling asleep on the carpet floor just crying my eyes out. i just witnessed something diabolical and now my first husband is dead. I kept tossing and turning while I slept and I began to feel really hot. When i opened my eyes I realized that this wasn't the hotel room.

"Wakey wakey!" I heart a loud voice say. I shot up and began to look around. I saw no one, no one was there. This place was very dark and all i could see was a lake of fire on the end side with souls yelling and screaming. I also saw cages and behind those cages were frightened voice saying "No! No jesus please no!" I grew very scared. Where was I? how can I get out!?

Thats when he appeared. "Welcome to MY suit, my sweet" he chuckled wrapping up a black rose, that melted instantly. "I tried to get them fresh but down here in Hell nothings fresh...besides you"

"What did you do to me and why am I here?" I demanded. He rolled his eyes as his vanilla skin seem to glistened near this fire.

"Ok I did this to you to make a deal right? ifyou do this for me you'll get your husband back, and the reason why your here is because...well...meet my entourage" He snapped his fingers and there revealed another room with a guy typing on a computer, a girl standing next to his chair and 3 others watching something like a crystal ball. "Hey! Terrell, Tesha! My 3 wicked sisters hows Hell to you?"

"We're doing fine Criss our Satan!" they all yelled getting back to work.

"Now you see, these are MY angels. The people who work for me. Remember those little voices inside your head that always relates to do something bad? Meet Milinda, my sex slave, in case you should know thats Jezebel's Grand Daughter of our time and there is Markus, the one who literatly persuades you without thinking and many others. My angels always keep busy."

"Satan! Someone just got saved from Church of God in Christ" Instantly I saw how his face turned beat red.

"WHAT!?" he then stormed over to the demon and began to brutaly beat him up. "You get up there and persuade him not to be saved! I don't tolerate no christians! Go up there now!" He then slapped the demon and with a snap the demon disappeared. So this is how the devil works?

He then maneuvered his way to me. "Uhh, sorry about that" He touched my hand and I jumped back.

"OUCH!!!" He saw what he has done to my hand and instantly kissed it, it healed up.

"Better?" I nodded. He then snapped his fingers. "Welcome to my office" He sat down behind his desk and snapped me down in front of him. "So, lets make this snappy sha'll we?" he smiled.

"Your on a mission. Your mission is to-"

He began to explain to me what his deal was. I had to do something very very wicked. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it or not, i mean, this is the Devil we're talking about here! What would God think of Me!? "Got it?" He asked. I nodded. "Do we have a deal?"

I hesitated, it was very extrmely 1,000 degree's hot down here and after him explaining that i'm Half -apart of him that if i decide to make this deal- I will be whole. "You will have everything you want, fortune, praise, fame, power! If only you do this for me" I sighed. Can i really get that? I then looked into his eyes to see if he was so sure. His eyes was a dark red something I've never seen in someone. he had a grin wide enough to make you agree. He had this certain aura about him that made you want to melt.

"I'll do it" He jumped up and laughed. "GOOD! GOOD! Now we're talkin!" Oh God! What did I just do! he walked up to me and whispered in my ear

"My dearest, I'll catch up with you later, you can leave now"

With the snap of his fingers I was back at the hotel. I woke up with an ocean of hot sticky sweat surrounding my body. it was as if I was swimming in a pot of my own body liquids. I was confused for a moment, I didn't know what to do! But what I did know at that moment I needed a shower. Then I needed to get back home.

I was slaving over a hot stove making a home-cooked meal. Now that Kenny is gone, I can only make a plate for one. While eating, I began to recite on our precious moments; us meeting, our first date, our first kiss, trips to exotic places, the ups and downs, our wedding day. oh our precious wedding day. I threw my fork across the wall and began to tear-up. "WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME!?" I assumed an answer, but all i can hear was my echoes.

I decided to wrap up my food, take a shower and sleep on the cold bed. OUR cold bed. We're we held each other, made love to each other and slep together.
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Please don't get offended, this is JUST a story