
Emily Roose is an 18 year old Senior, who has never talked to a guy let alone kiss one.
She is the band geek in her school, She isnt like one of the geeks that want to change themselves into becoming popular though, she is fine with the way she is and accepts who she has become. She doesnt really mind the popular kids, and how they treat her. She has only one enemy in Wycoff High and his name is Joseph Adam Jonas.

Joe Jonas is the hot popular player of Wycoff High, but he is tired of being around all fake people. He is tired of everyone only liking him for his fame and fortune. Even though he is a complete ass to alot of people. He doesnt want to be the popular bad boy that everyone loves. Instead he would rather become a band geek like his enemy Emily Roose.

What happens when a twist of fate appears and brings both of these enemies closer to each other? Will they accept that they have a lot more in common then they think? Or Deny this and become even more enemies then they began with?