Green Tea and Lemon Zest

Kayla Moote.

Standing five feet and seven inches of pure goodness. She is a very intellectual girl with a past to match. She is an active vegetarian with a life style to match. Her hair color is currently a dark brown, more like a fading black. She dyes her hair to match the event. Very loveable and a fun person to be around. She is twenty-two years old.

She is currently a visual artist for Criss Angel. No, that does not mean that she knows how he does his... thing. She is his make up and fashion extraordinaire. So every time you see him on the TV or doing a show, remember to thank her for his "signature" looks.

She has a five year old daughter, Keli JoAnn Moote. Keli Jo has strawberry blonde hair and very light freckles sprinkled across her cheeks. She is only three foot seven inches, a little tall for her age. Keli has boundless energy that she can unleash at any time. She is very loyal and obedient, but quite bubbly. She gets along with a lot of people and is a true "people" person.

Her father is yet to be discovered, but Kayla knows who he is. She does not want the past to affect her life, most importantly her daughter's. So she keeps it a secret.

Brendon Urie [twenty-three years young], Ryan Ross [twenty-four years young], Spencer Smith [twenty-three years young], and Jon Walker [twenty-four years young] are the renown Indie group, Panic At The Disco. They are on their yearly, five month scheduled break. All four of them live in the Las Vegas area, or own homes there. Jon still lives in Chicago, but stays in Vegas for extended periods of time. All of Panic know and hang out with Kayla and Keli Jo. Brendon filled the fatherly hole in Keli Jo's life, much to Kayla's disapproval. Ryan acts like Keli Jo's older brother; he is always looking out for her. Spencer and Jon are more of the Godparents, but not in that aspect.

Brendon and Kayla share a house together. They have known each other since grade school. Best friends to the end, nothing more and nothing less.

But all that is going to change...... [R for language and sexual experiences]
  1. Pikachu And Lord Farquaad Rode On The Back Of...
    ... A Humpback Whale To The Land Of Guam?
  2. Say I Don't Want To Be In Love...
    ... But Put Your Magical Foot Forward.
  3. I Came Up To Meet You, To Tell You That I'm Sorry.
    ... Nobody Said It Was Easy
  4. Entertainment Crackers are Great for Catering
    ... Says The Christmas Cracker Box.
  5. Nothing Makes Us As Lonely As Our...
    ... Secrets.
  6. We Lose Lips...
    ... But She Sinks the Ships.
  7. Why Don't You Hear Me When I'm Calling After You?
    ... Is It Because I Try To Listen and Make It Through To You?
  8. Scream Until Your Heart Stops
    ... You Should Never Stop To Regret.
  9. "Polly Want A Cookie?"
    ... Cause All I Have Are Crackers.
  10. Have You Looked In The Mirror Lately...?
    ... Why? You Seem To Be Missing Your Reflection.
  11. Animal Crakers In My Soup...
    ... Monkey's And Rabbits Loop The Loop
  12. "¿Guitar Songs and My Thongs?"
    ... Wait... What?
  13. Broken Wings and Fallen Angels;
    They Plague the Earth.
  14. Apples, Peaches, Kiwi...
    OH MY!
  15. I Just Wanna Spend My Time With You.
    ... The Clocks A Tickin'
  16. Sweet Tangerine;
    Will You Please Come Back To Me?
  17. We are Your Friends...
    ... Take Us Home With You.
  18. We're Off To See...
    ... A Wizard.
  19. The Lion's...
  20. Behind...
    ...The Sea
  21. You Are The Moon;
    Feel It's Lightness Glowing Upon Your Skin.
  22. Hey Moon, Please Forget To Fall Down;
    Do You Know What I'm Seeing?
  23. You're Not the Only One...
    ... Who Thinks They Are Falling In Love
  24. She's The Smoke...
    ...The One That Makes My Lungs Collapse
  25. Habits Are Hard To Break;
    Especially The Ones That Destroy Others.
  26. I am the D.R.U.G
    You can't D E N Y...
  27. When Did Raccoons Take Over The World?
  28. This Was Such A Mistake;
    Part Un.
  29. Oh baby! Oh Honey! Hug Me! S.U.F.F.E.R
    Part Duex.
  30. Time For Our t.o.t.a.l Destruction
    ... It Only Comes Once A Year.
  31. You Know You Are In Love;
    When You See The World In Her Eyes And Her Eyes Everywhere In The World
  32. If The World Was Ending Would You Kiss Me?
    Or would you just L.E.A.V.E me?
  33. Take Me Away;
    To a Secret Place.
  34. You've Got To Spend Some Time Love;
    ...Spend Some Time With Me.
  35. Strip Tag...
    Oh Yes.
  36. Nemo's Jumping To His Death
    ...I've Got Nothing On You.
  37. The Stains Coming From My Blood...
    They Tell Me To Go Back Home
  38. The Only Place That You Feel Safe In…
    It Could Be The Worst.
  39. Can You Help Me? I'm Bent.
    I'm So Scarred That I'll Never Be Put Back Together.
  40. You're Caught in the Middle;
    You Seem to Love CRIME.
  41. I’m Not Insane…
    Come Back To Me.