So Cancerous


Vicky's POV

“I Love you”
“I Love you too baby, I will miss you Vicky”
“I Love you mum, I have to go now”

I lay there drifting into another world, listening to the small sobs escaping my mothers mouth. The cancer had infected too much of my body to survive it, I had minutes left to live.

I drifted into the long sleep I would never wake up from. I died unhappy. And a unhappy soul never leaves to rest in peace.

I awoke, I was outside my hospital room, I walked slowly up to the door, taking a quick glance down at my body, I was wearing a white gown, the gown glowed white, even more white than ‘vanish oxy action’ gets whites. I aproched the door, and my mother was standing in the door way looking into the room, I tapped her shoulder, she turned and stared at me wide eyes then spoke to me.

“What are you doing here” she asked
“How can you see me mum?” I asked her
“I didn’t ever tell you did I?” she exclaimed
“No what?” I replied
“I’m physic, I can see dead people” She told me
“Why didn’t you ever tell me mum?” I asked with tears in my eyes
“It’s not something you tell everyday” she said

She turned and walked into the hospital room, I followed her slowly, the room was white, all white, there was no items in the room except a bed on the wall where the door was, I couldn’t see the bed, people were crowded around it. My cheeks began to get tearstained.

I slowly walked up to the crowd of people around my bed, and pushed through, I walked straight through people, I turned and watched them shiver, they must of felt my presence, but they were too court up inwhat who was lying in the bed.

I walked to a chair that was at the side of the bed, I sat down slowly, then looked side ways, to glare at the bed. It was my body lying on the bed, it was my body they were all caught up in, there was two men standing over it, they both where wearing white suits, they were slowly rapping my body up in blankets, I noticed the peaceful expression on my face, shame my soul wasn’t peaceful.

I watched the two men wrap my body up, I looked around the room and noticed my mum at the back of the room staring at me, not my body, at me. I gave her a little smile and tears rolled slowly down her face.

I slowly glanced around the room, looking to recognise people and too see there reactions. I found familiar faces, my friends, Lucie and Sian and Chloe, my mum’s boyfriend Mark, My aunty sue. A few other aunties’ and uncles.

Then I blinked slowly and had a vision, the vision was my Dad, he was holding a little boy, a baby boy, and his girlfriend was next to him smiling, they were in a white room also, but there was a window in the room, the sun light came sweeping through the window, they looked truly happy, happy without me.

I opened my eyes and tears started to poor down my face my vision getting blurry. In a panic I glanced around the room, looking for my father, I noticed a window that wasn’t there before so I rushed over to the window.

I looked through the window, I saw my vision through that window, I tapped lightly on the window pane, my dads girlfriend looked up and frowned, she walked quickly over too the window I was staring through, my dad still hadn’t noticed me there, he was too mesmerised by the baby, and she smirked at me through the glass and shut the curtains.

I turned back around, I noticed the two men taking my body away, everyone started to disappear in front of my eyes i began to cry more, the tears straming out of my eyes. It was then I woke.

I shot up in my bed, tears streaming down my eyes, not because what happened in mydream nightmare, but because cancer was such an evil illness, I cried because of the evilness it can do to people.

I sat in my bed crying, I looked at my phone through blurry vision of my tears, I had a text, the text was from my dad, the text read.

‘Your new baby brother’

I started to cry more because of the vision I had in my dream, I then knew, I knew that my father didn’t want me anymore.

His girlfriend warned me, she warned me that when the baby’s born I wont have a dad, my dad will become the babies dad and no one else’s.

That was the start of my manic depression.
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