This Cloud Just Keeps on Covering


I smiled at Frank, ruffling his hair. He let go of me and looked over to the front desk where a short woman with dark brown hair smiled warmly at us.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm Tessa Iero," I said, smiling at her.

"Oh! Right this way then," she said, getting up from her seat.

We walked down a small hallway with a few doors. Inside of them, I could hear kids talking to one another, every once in a while a scream erupting from the room. Frank giggled and followed the woman with me. The woman stopped at a tall, oak door and let us inside. She offered us some water, but we declined; we were way too excited.

A tall man walked over to us, shaking our hands.

"Hello, I'm Mark Stevens," he greeted.

We both introduced ourselves and sat down with him. He smiled and folded his hands.

"So, you two want to adopt?" he asked.

Frank and I nodded, our grins getting bigger. Mark laughed softly and nodded at us.

"Well, we have some great kids here. I'm guessing you'd like to meet some?"

"Yeah," Frank said, nearly jumping out of his seat.

I lightly pulled Frank down, laughing at him. I swear, Frank was more of a kid than an adult! Mark nodded at us and walked out of the room. Frank and I waited patiently, but were chomping at the bit to see the kids. A few minutes later, Mark returned with a boy who looked around thirteen. He smiled weakly at us and sat down.

"I'm Hunter," he said, waving his hand.

"Hi, I'm Tessa and this is my husband, Frank," I greeted, smiling brightly at him.

"Hi!" Frank said, waving his hand.

Hunter laughed softly and nodded. He talked to us a bit about what he liked. I was pleased that he was a fan of My Chemical Romance, too. When the conversation had ended by Mark's request, I felt like I found my perfect kid already.

Hunter said goobye to us and left to go back with the other kids. Frank and I leaned forward.

"We like him."

Mark grinned at us and laughed. "Well, I believe he likes you guys too."

"Can we have him? Please?!" Frank begged.

I slapped at Frank's head and laughed at his childish behavior. Mark nodded. We spent a while filling out the paperwork and getting everything ready. We had promised to come back and get him the next day. Mark let us go eventually.

Once we were outside, Frank and I let out simillar girly screams and hugged eachother. Frank lightly kissed my cheek and held onto me. I buried my head into his shoulder, sighing.

"We're gonna have a kid," he sighed.

"I know," I laughed.

At that, we rushed home. In order to have the kid, we needed to actually have a room for him. So, we cleaned out the room holding Frank's guitars and their awards so Hunter could have a room. We would go buy everything he needed once he was here. After taking out the last guitar, I wiped my forehead and smiled at Frank.

"So, you liked your present?" I asked.

Frank stared at me and walked over, grinning. He hugged me tightly.

"I loved my present. I can't believe we're gonna be parents," Frank said.

At that, we heard the front door slam. Gerard was standing there with Bob, both of their eyes and mouths wide. Gerard dropped his keys onto the ground, stuttering stupidly.

"PARENTS?" he screamed.

Frank and I exchanged looks and turned back to my older brother and friend. I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, startng tomorrow," I said quietly.

Gerard pretty much went into shock after that. Bob stared at us strangely, helping his friend over to the couches. We sat down with them, keeping a worried eye on Gerard. Bob spoke up first, his blue eyes confused.

"How can you be a parent tomorrow?" he asked.

"We kinda visited an adoption agency today," Frank said, rubbing his neck.

Bob smiled at us. "You'll be good parents."

We smiled and thanked him. Gerard stared at us with the same crazed expression. He tried to talk, but nothing happened. I sat next to my older brother, holding onto his hand.

"Why are you mad?" I asked.

"I'm not mad, I'm just- Tessa, why? You're only twenty! You have so much to look forward to and taking care of a kid is a big job-" Gerard ranted.

"I can still do the things I want. I just get to take care of a kid, too. Besides, he can come with me. He's a teenager."

Gerard calmed down after that. "Oh, okay."

I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. Gerard laughed softly and grinned at me. I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"I'm gonna be an uncle."

I nodded and laughed with him, wrapping my arms around my big brother. He held onto me and kissed the top of my head. Bob pulled his phone from his pocket, looking over to me.

"Can I invite Ray and Mikey?" he asked.

Frank and I nodded, smiling brightly. Bob called them over and I was sure they would get here soon. If you invited Mikey over, he would come in a flash.

So, sure enough, Mikey was knocking quickly on the door after about five minutes. Frank opened the door. Mikey sat down with us as we waited for Ray. When the guitar player arrived, I took a deep breath, grinning.

Mikey held his head in his hand. "Ahh man. You're gonna yell at me for stealing your last Mocha Latte, aren't you?"

I shook my head, but stopped. "You stole that?! I thought Frank did!"

Gerard waved his hands in front of us, laughing. "Just get to the point Tess!"

Sighing, I nodded. I began to talk but Frank beat me to it, obviously thinking I was taking too long.

"We're adopting a kid!"