This Cloud Just Keeps on Covering


That day, we basically took Hunter and Jaxon shopping. We weren't sure what he liked, so Hunter got to pick out the things he wanted. He was nervous to spend our money, but we urged him to pick out whatever he needed.

I hung up the last poster of Avenged Sevenfold, sighing. Backing away, I made sure it was straight. Hunter thanked me for the hundreth time that day. I laughed.

"No problem, Hunter," I said.

Hunter fidgeted with the hem of his new black jacket. "Um, Tessa?"

I turned to him. "Yes?"

"So, is it okay if I call you Mom?" he asked.

Smiling, I nodded at him. I gave him a hug and smoothed down his light brown hair. He smiled softly, looking around his new room. When I heard the door being knocked on loudly, I got up. Hunter followed me, his black sneakers squeaking on the wooden floors. He sat on one of the couches with Frank and Jaxon.

As soon as I pulled open the door, the four men piled in. I rolled my eyes, but laughed.

"So, is he here?" Ray asked excitedly.

"Yes, they're here," I answered.

The four men began to head into the living room, but stopped. They turned to me, seeing what I had said.

"They?" Gerard asked.

Clearing my throat, I walked into the living room. Frank stopped playing with Jaxon and turned to say hi to the guys. When they saw we had two kids, their eyebrows raised. But, they got over it. Mikey walked over, already introducing himself to his new nephews.

But, Gerard stayed behind, still standing still. I put my hand on his shoulder, biting my lip.

"Two kids?" he asked, his voice somewhat strangled.

"Well, Hunter didn't want to leave his little brother behind. I couldn't do that to him, Gee," I said, quietly.

"But can you take care of two kids Tess? With Frank being in the band, how are you gonna be able to come with us and take care of two kids?" he asked.

I grabbed Gerard's arm and pulled him into my bedroom with me. Shutting the door, I turned back to my brother, nervous. Gerard stared at me, his hazel gaze scaring me.

"If you do this, you probably won't be able to come on tour with us anymore, or at least until the kids are older," Gerard said.

I sighed, knowing it was true. Gerard was right, maybe I wasn't ready to be a parent. Behind me the door opened, revealing Frank. He stared at us curiously.

"Is everything okay, guys?" Frank asked.

Gerard nodded and walked out of the room. I sat on my bed, resting my head in my hands. Frank rushed over to me, hugging me tightly.

"What did he say, Sweetie?" Frank asked me.

"I can't go on tour with you guys if I have the kids," I said, meeting his golden gaze.

Frank's face suddenly became sullen. He held onto me tighter. Rocking me back and forth, he stayed silent. I knew he wasn't liking the idea of me not being with him for the summer.

"Well, we don't have a tour for a long while, Tess. We can worry about that later," he said, trying to cheer me up.

Nodding, I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head, smiling softly. We got up together, holding tightly onto each other's hands.

In the living room, Jaxon was playing with his new toys, showing them to Bob. Bob laughed, grinning widely at the little boy. Ray and Mikey talked to Hunter, who clearly was enjoying that his new friends, uncles, and Dad were in My Chemial Romance.

I sat down with the three of them as Frank walked outside. Gerard had gone missing; I guessed he was outside on the stairs.

Mikey turned to me, grinning widely. "I love him already."

I laughed and leaned on my brother. "You guys should teach him to play some instruments. I need my kids to be rockers."

Ray and Mikey nodded excitedly. Hunter let out a small scream. We laughed at his excitement, pleased that everything was going okay with them.

Outside of the apartment, I could hear Frank and Gerard arguing. Hunter stared at the door nervously. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about them. Everything will be okay," I said, hoping it would be true.

"Gerard doesn't like me?" Hunter asked.

I shook my head, holding tightly onto the thirteen year old's hand. "No, Honey. He's just a little mad that I chose to adopt someone since I'm so young."

Hunter nodded slowly. Mikey and Ray quickly talked to him, seeing that I was trying to make him think of something else. I turned to Bob, who was laughing softly. Jaxon had fallen asleep on the couch, his toy truck sitting limply in his pale hand. Chuckling, I picked the blonde boy up and carried him over to his bedroom.

I laid him in his tiny bed, pulling the blankets up onto him. He rolled to his side, sighing. I smiled at him and walked out of the room, shutting his door.

In the living room, I saw that Frank and Gerard had come back in. Neither were talking to anyone. I bit my lip and sat with Frank.

"What happened?" I asked, just above a whisper.

"He's a little better, he's just a little mad. I think he's sad you won't be on tour with us for a while when tour does come," Frank explained.

I nodded and looked over to my brother. He gave me a sad smile before looking over to Mikey and Hunter as they talked about their favorite comics. Sighing, I moved over to Gerard and wrapped my arms around him torso. He rested his head on my own.

"Don't worry, Gee. Please, just be happy."