Your Guardian Angel

Waves are crashing and stars are falling

I walked down the stark white hospital hallway with my head down. The doctors had warned me that the end may be near. Her body had gotten hurt so badly in the accident that there was no hope of recovery. I reached her door and opened it slowly, afraid that I may disturb her while she was sleeping.

“Hey” Carlee said softly as I stepped into the room.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” I asked while taking the seat at her bedside. She looked so weak and yet she managed to still hold onto that old air of liveliness that she had always had was still there.

“Not too bad, they’ve got me pretty drugged up here so I can’t feel much pain”

“That’s good”

“I can still tell that this bed is uncomfortable though” She said with a small smile.

“Only you’d be cracking jokes right now” I told her.

“Yep but that’s why you love me”

“That I do” I replied reaching for her hand. She smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. Carlee was such a fighter, the doctors expected her to die the first night she was brought in yet here she was three days later still holding on. We sat there just staring at each other for a while when it finally hit me. I wouldn’t get to keep Carlee with me forever like I’d always hoped. I felt my face start to fall when a look of concern in her eyes.

“Derek honey” she put her free hand on my face, “what’s the matter?”

“You never should have pushed me out of the way of that truck” I said as my head dropped.

“I’m glad I did it. I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt” She stroked my face lovingly.

“Do you think its any easier for me to see you like this? I shouldn’t have let you do that! I should have kept you safe!” I was starting to get hysterical.

“Stop. I told you a long time ago that nobody was allowed to hurt my Derek. When I said that I meant it” She told me in a soft yet firm voice.

“I didn’t know that included cars!” Carlee chuckled.

“Well a person was driving the car…”

“What if it was a dog or monkey! Would you have saved me then?”

“Hmm a monkey? I might have been too distracted by the fact that a monkey was driving a car to help you”

“Gee thanks” I said sounding a very fake hurt.

“You know I’m just kidding love. I would have done the same thing no matter what”

“Yeah I know” I was happy to have moments like this with her still.

“Promise me you’ll stay” I tried to ask but it came out a plead.

“Derek come sit with me” She told me patting the spot next to her.

“But the wires, what if I pull something?” I didn’t want to hurt her, there were so many machines attached to her.

“Don’t worry you won’t hurt me. Now come sit” I did as I was told.

“Not that hard now was it?” She joked as I wrapped my arms around her. She cuddled into my side.

“You know I can’t promise that Derek. I can promise that I’ll always be with you, I’ll be your guardian angel, making sure you never get hurt” If only she knew how much the thought of her leaving hurt me.

“Besides threes no place I’d rather be right now. I’m happy just spending time with you. There’s no one id rather be with in the end” she continued. When she mentioned the end of her life I couldn’t help the tear that had been threatening to escape go. Carlee, being the observant person she was, noticed.

“Hey its okay. Don’t cry, it’s okay” She tried to soothe me.

“Oh Carlee” Was all I managed to say as I got myself under control. It was all that needed to
be said. We just sat there for the longest time. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. She looked up at me with her beautiful on her face. I smiled back at her.

“I love you Car” I told her using the nickname I had always called her by.

“I love you too” She said. Then in a faint whisper she added, “That’s all I needed to hear” Her breathing soften and knew this was it. I held her close to me as her body grew limp. I looked down at her and saw that my favorite small smile was still on her face. The tears rolled down my face.

“My guardian angel”
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This story means a lot to me.