Think Happy Thoughts

Ah.....he coming towards me!

Has he was walking towards me it seemed like a scene from a movie all in slow motion I think I was drooling, he was staring right at me with his beautiful eyes, my heart was jumping out of my chest, I finally snapped out of my trance and tried to act cool.
“Hi” I said with a smile.

“Hi Helena, love that name!” he said has he was reading my tag on my shirt

Oh my god what shall I do next I am such a loser sometimes when it comes to meeting guys that are this cute.

“Thank you it was my grandmothers name” I replied

We chatted some more and realized we had loads in common, he asked me about my tattoos, my drawings and some other stuff, we got on so well he made me laughed which is a good sign, he asked me
“What time do you finish today?”

“6pm” I replied I was wondering what he was getting at, is he going to ask me out.

“Ok, I was just wondering if you wanted to get a coffee somewhere and chat some more?”

“Yeah sure I'll talked to my boss and see if I can go now, if you want to go for a coffee now”

“Yeah that would be cool”

“Ok I'll be right back”
I walked in the office and said to Johnny

“You'll never guess who just walked in here and asked me out!”

“George Bush” he replied with a huge grin on his face

“No silly! Who's the guy I fancy the pants off and he's in my favorite band” I said trying to get him to get the right answer

“No way Gerard Way is in my shop and asked you ask out, go woman go with him now” he said while peeping though the door to see if it was really him, Johnny is a big fan of his art and a little bit crazy about him but not in a sexual way but he did say once if he was a woman he would love to go out with him on a date, he so crazy that guy.

“Thank you hun, wish me luck!” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

“Good Luck!” he replied with his thumbs up.
I grabbed my shoulder bag and jacket walked back towards where Gerard was.

“Ok are you ready my boss said it was fine so lets go where shall we go to?”

“Awesome, thats go to Starbucks”

He put his hand on my lower back to guide me out of the shop, it was like electricity running though me as soon has he touched me, I have never felt feelings like this about any one before.
We carried on walking towards Starbucks chatting about the other guys in the band, Mikey recently got married and how much he was proud of him seeing him grow in to a man, I could tell him and Mikey are very close. God could this guy get anymore cuter, he so caring and adorable.
We arrived at Starbucks and ordered our drinks we both ordered a caramel latte, got our drinks and sat down on the big leather sofas, he was sitting next to me with one arm along back of the sofa behind my head.
We chatted, joked about different things we loved or hated I was having a amazing time with him and I think he was to well I hope.
“Helena I'm going to have go now for band practice, I've had a amazing time with you, we shall have to do this again babe. Heres my phone number” he said while looking at his watch, and digging in his pocket for a pen and scribbling it down on the napkin and handing it to me.

“Call me later tonight babe and we sort out something, Helena your an amazing girl and i cant wait to be with you again” he added
he leaned towards me and kiss me on the lips, it was a earth shattering kiss which left my lips tinging and wanting more.

“Bye for now babe” he said looking into my eyes, I just melted into a pool of sensational bliss I was lost for words, I just watched him walk away