Think Happy Thoughts

The phone calls...

Helena's POV

After Gerard left I was just sitting there staring at the napkin with his number on, I still couldn't believe that it was him and he kissed me, what an amazing kiss it was, I am still tinging.
I had to tell some one so I dug into my shoulder bag for my mobile phone and dialed my friend Sophie's number and waited for her to answer,
“Hello chicken!” don't ask me why she calls me that its a long story.
“Hi ya Sophs, I've got some amazing news to tell you, you won't believe it”
“oooooh juicy goss I hope he he, do carry on dear!”
“Well brace yourself and don't scream! Well I was at work just drawing because I was bored when this guy came in all dressed in black with a hood and sunglasses, I was like woo hooo got a customer at last, then this guy took his hood and glasses off, I was so shocked I fell on the seat behind me!”
“Ooh my who was it tell me!”
“I want you to guess so I'll give you a clue, he has black short hair, greeny brown eyes, gorgeous has hell and singer of my favorite band”
“Oh my god Gerard!” she screamed down the phone almost deafening me!
“Yes Sophs I told you not the scream I am sitting in starbucks getting funny looks now” god she is crazy!
“So happened between you and him?”
“Well we talked for a bit and he asked if I like to go for coffee, so we came here to starbucks talked some more, then he said he had to go to band practice, gave me his number and told me to call him later and then......”
“Then what!”
“He kissed me, its was an amazing kiss, I am still tinging now!”
“Oh my god Helena your so lucky!” I could tell she was jealous because I know she fancy him to but she is obsessed with Frank!
“I know, well I'm going to go now I see ya at home, Shall we get a take away tonight Chinese or pizza?”
“Pizza sounds good catch ya later hun byeee”
“Ok bye”
I closed my mobile phone and placed it back into my bag, and headed out of the door towards where I parked my car earlier that day, got in and started up my car and drove back to my house I shared with Sophie.

Gerard's POV

Has I walked away from Helena I could feel her eyes on me, I could tell she was shocked by that kiss, so was I didn't know what came over me, but she seem to have that effect on me I just wanted to kiss her I know its crazy I have only just met her but something about her makes me want her and want to be with her, I just hope I haven't scared her off by that kiss, Wow it was one amazing kiss, I can still feel her lips on mine, I really hope she calls me later.
I dug into my pocket for my mobile phone I had to call Mikey and tell him what happened, looked though my phone book for his number and press call and waited for an answer while I walked back towards my car
“Hey Gee!” My brother answered.
“Hey Mikey, I gotta tell ya I met this amazing girl today her names Helena, I just had to tell some one she is amazing Mikey!”
“Woah! So how did this happen?
“Well I was just walking though the mall and I came across this comic book store and thought I'll take a look, I had my hood and sunglasses on just to disguise myself but I decided to remove them, and I notice the girl behind the cash desk looked a bit shocked and she almost fell off her chair.”
“Ha ha she must of felt a little awkward, you seeing her almost fall of the chair”
“Na, I don't think she noticed me looking at her she was too busy trying not to fall chair”
“So what does she look like Gee!”
“She's the same height as me slim has long black hair with a side fringe framing her face, bright green eyes, tattoos and one amazing drawer, she told me she designs her own tattoos they were amazing, we got on really well I took her for a coffee and continued to chat about different things, I gave her my number and then I did the unthinkable”
“Gee! What did you do?”
“Well I kissed her but I just couldn't help it, I really like her Mikey”
“Gee! Its ok what was her reaction?”
“She looked a little shocked and speechless, I just hope she calls me tonight”
“I am sure she will Gee don't worry just keep your fingers crossed, Gee you better hurry up we are almost set up and your not here!”
“Ok Mikey I see you in 5 mins”
I closed my phone and placed it in my pocket and continued towards my car, got in and drove quickly to my house for band practice, we are getting ready for a gig tomorrow night, I may invited Helena thats if she calls me, I pray she does.

Back to Helena's POV

I arrived back at my place at six and got myself a well deserved glass of wine, my favorite Italian wine has I am half Italian, my mother always drank it, it comes from the village my mother's side once lived.
I put my feet up and turned the Tv on, My chemical Romance was playing on Fuse, I couldn't stop staring at Gerard I think I am really falling for him, It reminded me that I have his number and he wanted me to call him, I was thinking of calling, so I got up and dug into my shoulder bag, I searched and searched though my bag I couldn't find it, I tipped the whole bag empty nothing, no napkin,
“Shit!” I screamed, I dug into my pockets, nothing!
Looked into my jacket pocket, Jackpot!! Fuck I thought I'd lost it for a moment there, Thank God!
I picked up my mobile phone and began to dial, I was so nervous I was shaking, Come on get a grip Helena!
I pressed call and waited for an answer, It rang and rang, no answer, maybe he is still in practice
I'll leave him an message
Gerard's answer phone message: “Hey Gerard's phone leave a message and I'll called you back!”
“Hey Gerard, Its Helena you asked me to call you, I guess your still in practice but I just want to say I had an amazing time with you today so please call me back when you free, my number's 555-234-789 bye for now mwah!”
I closed my phone and took a deep breath, wow that was so hard, I just hope he calls.
I heard keys being jangled in the doors ah Sophie's back! Just in time I didn't want her to here me on the phone
“Hey Lucky chicken!” and she slaps me across the head, well let me inter duce you to Sophie, she comes from London, England and we met at Art school she is my bestest friend, she has long blonde hair with pink chunks though it and a bit crazy but i love her.
“Sophs shall I order the pizza now!” I yelled so she could here me though the kitchen wall
“Yeah go for it, I want pepperoni and loads of it!” she yelled back
So I ordered our pizzas it arrived about 30 mins later, we ate and she told me about her day, when the phone started to ring, I looked at Sophie she just shrugged and I said it was Gerard properly and told her to answer it for me while I got prepared to talk to him, I'm nervous!
She picked up the phone
“Hello is Helena free to talk its Gerard speaking”
“Well hello Gerard its Helena's friend Sophie speaking, she's told me a lot about you today, she won't shut up about ya”
“He he really I hope it was all good stuff”
“Of course Gerard!, I pass ya over to her bye” she handed me the phone and I took a deep breath and smacked Sophie over the head with my other hand, her face was so funny! I headed towards the kitchen so me and Gerard could some privacy from Sophie.
“Hello Gee!”
“Hey Helena, So you've been talking about me have you he he”
“Yes Gee! Its was good stuff of course”
“Sorry I hadn't called you earlier but practice took longer then I thought”
“Its ok Gee! I know it can get busy sometimes”
“So what I was thinking Helena if you and your friend want to come and see me and the guys at a gig tomorrow you can watch from back stage”
“Wow that would be so cool, just a pre warn you Sophie is obsessed with Frank, she kill me if she heard me telling you this, well she a mad skittles fan so they should get on really well”
“Ok I'll pre warn Frank then, you never know they may just hit it off”
“Yeah I am sure they will, so what times the show?”
“8pm, I'll come pick you up at your place where do you live?”
“That cool Gee! I live in St Helen's Drive number 42”
“Woah I have just moved to that road I live at number 35 a few doors down”
“Woah that just weird, Me and Sophie may has well meet you at yours is that ok?”
“Yeah that would be cool you can meet the other guys”
“Ok we shall be around yours at 6pm”
“Ok hun see ya then bye mwah!”
“Bye Gee! mwah!”
I put the phone down and walked into the living room, to see Sophie looking at me waiting for me to tell her what he said so I just prolonged it and just sat down and continued to watch television, until she poked me really hard in the ribs, which really hurts
“What did he say then!”
“All I am going to say is keep tomorrow tonight free, if you continue to poke me I won't tell you why”
“Ok, Ok I'll stop tell me please!” she was almost on her knees, she so crazy!
“Well he has invited me and you to there gig tomorrow night and we are meeting at his house which happened to be just a few doors down, he has just moved here”
“Wow that is so cool, I am going to pick out an outfit right now! I am going to meet Frank woooo hooo” she said while doing a little dance, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, her and Frank are so going to get on, they are just has crazy as each other far as I know, what I have seen in interviews and performances.
Sophie disappeared up stairs, I thought I'll go to bed has I so tried looking forward to seeing Gerard tomorrow I really can't. As soon has I hit the pillow sleep over took me.