Think Happy Thoughts

The Next Day...

Sophie's POV

After what the doctor told us about Worm, Me, Frank, Ray and Bob all decided to go home and rest. Gerard Stayed with Helena has she was still under observation and had to stay another night. They said they would call us tomorrow with news about Worm.

I woke up about ten am, still aching from my bruises. I rolled over and screamed Frank was laying next to me. I think I frighten him because he almost fell out of my bed.

“Sorry Frank what you doing in my bed?” I said while rubbing my eyes and yawning.
“Sorry I just didn't want to be alone and so I thought I lay down with you. Sorry” he replied with a sad look in his eyes.
“It's Ok Frank. I don't mind. I'm kinda glad you did” I replied with a smile.
I placed my hand on his cheek and brought myself closer to him and placed my lips on his soft lips. He didn't pull away, he just kissed me back. I could fell his tongue asking for entrance which I let happen. The feeling got from this kiss was electrifying. To me it was perfect timing. After kissing for what it seem liked forever, we broke from the kiss and just looked into each others eyes.
“Sophie I know we haven't known each other long but it feels like fate brought me to you. Don't want to ever leave you. Life is to short.”
“Me too Frank I feel the same” I lean into him for one more kiss.
The moment was interrupted but my bed side phone. We both looked at each other and I quickly shot up and answered the phone it was Gerard with news of Worm.
“Hi Sophie its Gerard, I've got some bad news” I could hear the sadness in his voice this cant be good.
“Oh whats happened?” I turned and looked at Frank and just shake my head and he layed down with a loud thump.
“Worm has turned for the worse he body has given up the doctors think he wont last out the next fews hours. Me and Helena are on our way home soon the doctors will call us with more news in a few hours so I see ya soon hun”
“Oh my ok Gerard I'll see you soon bye” I placed the phone back into its place and turn to Frank and told him what Gerard said. I could see his eyes filling up with tears. I took him into a hug and let him cry into my shoulder.

Gerard's POV

The last few days have been the best and worse days of my life. First I met Helena this amazing girl I fell in love straight away then the bus crashes and Worm is on deaths door. Life is way to short because one min your here and next you could be dead. I remember once when I was in New York working for the cartoon network I was on a boat going to work on september 11th 2001 and I saw the towers burning and collapsing. I saw the people falling thats when I decided to do something I wanted to make impact on the world so I formed my chemical romance and wrote the first song “skylines and turnstiles”. I think when I think I am going to write a song when I get home about this experience I want to get the message out. I think I shall called it “The Ghost Of You”.

Note: I have decided the time line is after the first album while the band was writing the 3 cheers album ok. And i know Bob wasn't in the band then but its my story so I decided the other dude doesn't exist no offense to him lol! Please comment PLZZZZZZZZZ.