Status: Active, if a pervious reader this is no longer a fan fic :)

Letters From a Stranger


Two Days Later

"I can't believe you went to that concert with Randy. Weren't your parents pissed?" Gaby asked. Gaby was a fellow cheerleader, and one of my closest friends.

"That's thing Gabs I sneaked out." She squealed and hit my shoulder playfully.

"Aw my Jamie is growing up. So did you really go to the concert?"

"Yeah it was really awkward being there. I mean I've never felt so out of place before. I-"

"Jamie and Gabriella would you like to spend your afternoon in detention?" Mr. Fletcher asked. He hated us so much, well Gabby and I. He would always threaten to throw is in detention but he never did. He always forget and then we would always the excuse we had cheer practice.

"No sir." I answered.

"Then pay attention and stop talking." I got out my binder and grabbed a piece of paper, opening my pencil holder and taking out my glitter pink pen. I wrote down what I was going to say to Gabby before I was rudely interrupted.

"Like I was saying. I just felt like everyone was staring at me and not in a good way." Folding the paper into a square I passed it behind me and payed attention to what Mr. Fletcher was teaching. I was currently in Geometry the only class that I wasn't any good at. I should have taken this as a tenth grader but I didn't. I felt Gabby tap my shoulder and fling the paper back onto my desk.

"I know what you mean, when Andrew took me to go see this one band I felt so...odd. Yeah but then I got into the music and started jumping around, it was a lot of fun. Did you at least enjoy the concert Jam?" After thinking long and hard about that night, I felt myself smile and my foot start to tap with an imaginary beat.

"You can say that. It was a lot fun once you get past the whole 'I don't belong here' part. After the concert we went to the park and just sat on the swings for awhile. We talked about college and us and the future. Did you know he can see me in his future?" I passed the note back to her. I heard her giggle and then I heard what I was waiting for. The choking stage. She read the last part of the note.

The note flew onto my desk and landed on the floor. I reached down and grabbed it, flipping it open. I put a hand in front of my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud."WHAT?! Details Jamie Natasha! I need details darling at lunch tell me everything, and I mean everything."

"Don't tell anyone Gabby please. I'll give you ever single detail at lunch I promise. Gotta go Fletcher's watching us."

Later that day.

I sat on my bed listening to my favorite country singer. Singing along with the words, doing my English homework. Then it hit me from out of know-where. I still have that box full of notes that my Father sent my Mother. After putting everything away in it's right place I got onto my floor and looked underneath my bed. After seeing the box sitting there, I reached in and grabbed it. I took of the top and closed my eyes, grabbing one of the hundreds of notes in there. I wanted the note to be random that way it was more fun to read. After grabbing a note I looked at it and smiled.

December 21, 1990.

Hey Kim,

Oh God what can I say? Let's see that last note made me cry my eyes out thank you. (I'm being sarcastic Kimmy.) I'm glad to hear that Jamie is doing well, send my love to her please. That was a beautiful picture of her and I'm glad she had fun at my parents. Ugh by time you get this it'll probably be Christmas so I'm sending this present to Jamie. It's not much hon but it's the best I could do while I'm here. It sounds like you are having the time of your life with out me, guess you don't need much huh? What am I saying of course you need me. Anyways the war is going...well it's a war how can it go? We lost a troop today suicide bomber took him and some of the local people out. I was supposed to be there, not him. He took my cover since I was took his the night before. Little did I know that Tom was front and center. I ran out of bullets in the middle of an attack.

My bullet wound well it's just another scar, reminding me how truly stupid I am. I told you right? Well if I didn't no need to worry I'm fine. I wish I could say the same for Tom he was a good man. Wow this letter is just full of sorrow ain't it? I'm sorry Kimmy I don't mean for it to be. It's just hard to be away and miss my daughter's first Christmas, but please if you can make sure she knows that the teddy bear is from me. Not from Santa Clause. Anyways you said in the last note my parents were breathing down your neck about how to raise Jamie. Look I can't tell them to stop their my parents for God's sake. I know you want to raise Jamie your way, but don't you think they know a little about raising children. I'm sorry that was rude. I better go Kim, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you like crazy and I can't wait to see you soon. I've seen to much in this place Kim I'm changing for the worse, just thought I'd let you know.



P.S. Happy Christmas I hope you like it."

I wounder what he gave her? I looked over at Leah and picked her up. How can Mom lie to me? She told me that I had gotten this from my Uncle on her side. She always told me that my Dad had no family, they all died in a tragic car accident. How can she lie to me! Especially about my Father who had risked his life to save this country. I put the note back into the to box and slid back underneath my bed. I put the box back just in time, my door opened and my Mom stood in my doorway.

"Jamie dinner's done." This would be one interesting dinner.