I'm Not Peter Without My Wendy

You are mine

I woke when a hand fell over my mouth. I squealed but was instantly quietened when I saw the intruder.

Peter was sitting there looking at me with a slight grin on his face but something hidden in his eyes. He removed his hand from my mouth slowly, looking into my eyes. My heart, as much as I willed it not to, thumped.

“Peter?” I whispered in slight awe and excitement. “What are you doing here?”

“Your window was open. I…” He trailed off, frowning slightly. Something was bothering him.

My window had always been open for him. I never admitted it but I secretly unlocked it after my mother went downstairs and flung it wide open, blaming it on a faulty latch and the wind when she asked me about it. Peter had never come though. It had been twenty three days since we’d left Neverland and I hadn’t heard a word from him since.

“What is it?” I whispered cautiously. I’d never seen him like this. I’d never seen him so…scared.

His hand gripped mine and I unconsciously leaned towards him. “I had a bad sleep.” He said quietly.

“You had a bad sleep?” My maternal instinct kicked in at these words. I wanted to kiss away all the bad dreams and fears. I just wanted to kiss him full stop.

“A nightmare?” I guessed. He nodded, his eyes locked onto the ground. His hand tightened ever so slightly on mine and I squeezed back.

“Tell me about it.” I whispered.

I crawled out of my blankets and wrapped my other arm around the boy who didn’t want to grow up. Was it my imagination or did he shudder?

“There was me and you. You were dancing with someone. A guy. He didn’t have a face but you were smiling at him. I was banging on the window. It was locked and barred. You kissed him and when you stopped, you saw me. You just turned your back. Then the guy smiled at me and he was evil. You left with him and you didn’t look back.” Peter said quietly and honestly.

His hand was still in mine and his other hand was now gripping my arm as he turned to face me. I saw a dark fear in his eyes when he looked at me.

“It was just a dream.” I offered mindless comfort but he didn’t want it. He bit his lip and looked at me.

“You left me.” He said simply.

“I had to Peter. This is my world.” I knew instantly what he was talking about. He didn’t like it that I had left for this world.

“You could have stayed. What’s so great about growing up? Growing old? Dying?”

“It’s a part of life. I couldn’t have stayed.” I whispered but then he leaned forwards and kissed me.

So shocked was I that I barely didn’t respond but then it registered. The boy I loved was kissing me. I moved both my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

My eyes were closed and I couldn’t have been happier. He pulled away looking sheepish and goofy at the same time. The darkness in his eyes had dissipated.

“You won’t leave me forever.” He said with a certain authorative tone in his voice. It was a completely dominant tone and I couldn’t have fought it even if I’d wanted to.

“One day I’ll come back for you and you’ll leave with me. You don’t belong in this world.” He said quietly.

His eyes bore into mine and the look on his face meant that I couldn’t argue with him. I didn’t even want to.

“One day.” I quietly agreed. He leaned forwards and kissed me again. It was soft and passionate and it said ‘You are mine’.

“Not tonight?” That I could fight with. “Not tonight.” I said firmly.

He nodded and accepted my words. His hand released mine and brushed the side of my face softly.

“Thanks for making my nightmare go away.” He said softly. Then he stood up and left to go and stand at the window.

“One night we will go forever.” He said to me. I nodded.

I couldn’t fight him.

I didn’t want to.

I loved him.
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Yeah, i know it's weird and all but R and R please.