Frankie Fever

Outside the Box

Sometimes, I wonder if I should have told Mom that she'd chosen the wrong man. That he was bound to break her heart. I'd been thinking about it all day. But when I saw her give him that love-filled smile of adoration over dinner, I realised it. You can't help who you love.

Can you?

Of course, I did end up accompanying Frank to his stinking party. He won me round again, I couldn't really stay mad at him could I?

I was currently slouched on a sofa watching the crowds of people dancing. The music throbbed through me like blood through the veins. He caught my eye across the room from where he'd just entered the room; succesfully catching the attention of every female in the room as he did so. He was making his way across the room with that same smirk on his face.

Then our faces were centimetres apart as he gazed at me with softened eyes. I gulped hard, trying to keep eye contact with him. He leaned in even closer to me. Butterflies blazed through my chest and stomach, furiously beating their little wings. I tried to move closer to him but I couldn't. I was frozen in my current position. Frank moved. . . and collapsed beside me on the couch, leaning heavily on my shoulder.

He took a hard gulp from the bottle he was holding. Then he let his head loll on my shoulder, his eyes closed and his breathing slowing. He had a stupid smile on his face as he made a movement with his hand in some odd gesture of greeting. I replied with a 'Hey, Frankie'.

"That French girl over there's pretty damn fine," He commented "She's that Katie girl's friend!"

"Mm," I hummed non-commitedly "D'you even know her name?"

He chewed his lip thoughtfully for a moment, his eyes resting on the dark-haired, white-skinned girl with the fine eyebrows, speaking with her heavy French accent. I rolled my eyes and took a gulp of my Red Bull while I waited. Yep, sensible little Gerard ensuring he'd eaten beforehand and drinking something with stimulants to counteract the intoxicants he consumed.

"Andrea!" Frank exclaimed "That's it! Andrea!"

Unfortunately, Frank was speaking a little too loud due to his slightly drunken state. She looked over at us upon hearing her name being spoken so loudly. She and all her friends were staring at a drunken boy half-lying on his best friend on a sofa with a bottle clutched in his hand. Let's say Frank wasn't looking his most attractive with heavy eyes and half-passed out. To me he was still beautiful, though.

Frank noticed her staring and gave her that smirk. He lifted his head so she could see his face better and attempted the seductive look. Of course, they all snorted and turned away, still giggling. I sighed but Frank wasn't fazed. In fact, the moment he picked up on the fact that Katie was giving him glances over her shoulder, he took advantage of the situation and raised his eyebrows seductively.

I noticed straight away that he had her trapped in his grasp. She was glowing pink and smirking over her shoulder at him. I sighed and rested a hand on my forehead, slumping on the arm of the sofa moodily. Stupid slut had stolen my chances. I scowled as Frank moved and stumbled over to talk to her.

Soon they were dancing.

Then they were kissing.

Then groping.

And then they slipped off upstairs.

I growled to myself and finished the last of my Red Bull, squashing the can flat. This wasn't fair! I'd been waiting for a chance and they'd paraded around in front of me but the one time I decided I might just take one of them, the chance was snatched up away from me by a blonde-haired beauty. Okay, it's not Katie's fault she was so pretty and it's not her fault Frank was taking an interest. It's not her fault I was a mess of hormones suffering an obsession with my best friend. I just wish she wasn't there!

The weight on the couch shifted as someone thumped down next to me. I glanced over at the redhead beside me. Redhead. Not ginger. Redhead. She was smiling shyly at me as if unsure of what to say. Her skin was pale with rosy cheeks, her lips were thin and her eyes were glowing green beneath her dark eyebrows. I nodded and made to turn away from her.

"Hi," She suddenly piped up as if afraid of losing my attention.

I turned back irritably. She smiled. I tried to force one back.


There was an awkward silence in which we both stared at each other. She managed an awkward smile again, extending a hand. I shook it gingerly. Why was she talking to me?

"My name's Sarah," She offered.


"I know," She smiled "I live on your street. You probably don't recognise me."

I opened my mouth to say no but then changed my mind. That would be horrifically rude. Instead I just shrugged and made what I hoped was a thoughtful expression. In actual fact I probably just looked completely gormless.

After a few more minutes of this silence, Sarah patted my shoulder politely.

"I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see ya!".

* * *

He entered my room wearing a pair of boxers and a vest. Nothing else. The snug fit of those boxers made me wonder if Christmas or my birthday had come early. He took a dangerously flying leap at my bed and landed with a bounce, burrowing under my covers while I tried to arrange my airbed.

"Tonight was fun, wasn't it?" He questioned.

For you maybe.

"Wasn't bad," I shrugged.

"Hmm," He hummed to himself.

"Have fun with Katie?" I questioned point blank.

"Wasn't bad," He echoed.

I nodded, lifting my head to look at him. He smiled down at me and thumped the bed, indicating I should sit with him. So I did. He rested his head on my shoulder lazily.

"I still prefer that Andrea chick," He commented "Imagine her speaking French to you! Must be way hot!"

"You don't speak French, Frank!"

"That's what would make it so hot!" He explained "Hmm," He added dreamily.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, resting his head there with his eyes closed, breathing peacefully. That's when I decided it. I was going to kiss him. I was going to do it right now! As an act of revenge for all the frustration he'd caused me and for throwing himself at girls without so much as a second thought for me. And once I'd kissed him, that kiss would never end. It would be the beginning of paradise. Sweet sweet paradise.

So I began to move. Closer. Those cupid bow lips looked so deliciously inviting. He wasn't aware of my movement and he wouldn't protest in his slightly drunken state. I was getting even closer. My heart rate picked up and the adrenalin started to pump. This would be wonderful. This would be so sweet. I was so close. So close. Oh how long I'd wanted this! He'd kiss back too! I knew it.

So close.

Very nearly there.

And he stirred.

I jumped back and quickly composed myself. Frank opened his eyes, blinked a few times and cracked that wicked smile.

"Hey, did you see those two gays at the party?" He questioned.

"Um. . . no, I didn't," I replied, struggling to think.

"I walked past 'em when Katie and I were going up the stairs! Really going for it, they were," He giggled.


"Yeah," He giggled again "Really going for it! Any further and they'd have been arrested for indecent exposure!"

I didn't reply. I just imagined being in that situation with the beautiful boy next to me. I'd be so grateful for the honour of that bliss. The thought alone made me blush.

Frank's head shifted. I glanced back at him to see that mischevious grin on his face. I raised an eyebrow, curious to know what was going on in that little head of his. His smile widened and he shifted so he was facing me, balancing on his knees. I turned to face him as well, balancing on the balls of my feet. His voice was soft and seductive when he spoke.

"We could always try it their way," He smirked.

"What?" I questioned.

He stretched himself out on the bed.

"Y'know, the way they do. . . y'know, when you're gay!"

I gulped hard as my eyes widened slightly. He continued to smirk at me, his eyes smouldering as I looked at them. I gulped hard again, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. I watched as a finger was dragged up his thigh. Oh my God. Oh God oh God oh God.

"Thinking outside the box, aren't we?" He smirked.

He dragged another finger up his thigh, pulling the leg of his boxers up slightly as it went. It was me who shivered though. And I swear he saw it. His smirk seemed to grow hotter, causing my temperature to rise. Oh how much did I want this?

"Ihavetogotothebathroom!" I gabbled, jumping up and running.

I found myself splashing my face with cold water and looking at myself in the mirror with my hands resting on the sides of the sink. I groaned to myself as I observed my flushed cheeks.

"He's drunk," I whispered to myself "He's drunk, he's drunk, he's drunk!"

So he wouldn't remember it, would he? questioned that little voice in the back of my conscience.

It was go-to-hell-I-don't-care-what-you-think Gee. He was taking over for sweet-good-boy Gerard. I smiled at my reflection. Why not? I deserved it after all. And if all else failed, I could pretend it never happened but know he'd always have that niggling little doubt in the back of his subconscious.

So I smiled again, splashed my face one last time and exited the bathroom.

The door to my bedroom opened and there he stood proudly. 5"8 of black-haired sheer teen sex. And he threw himself onto the airbed in disgust while Frank snored on like a pig in muck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: That last part of the chapter is part of the book. I've re-worded most of it and I've left parts out n stuff as it's based on Sugar Rush, it's not going to be word-for-word re-make of the tv series or the book! It's going to be following the way they go but not a blow-by-blow copy of it!
So, y'know, don't sue?