Frankie Fever


It's amazing the things you'll consider when you're that puddle of raging hormones and desperately confusing ups and downs called a teenager.

Everyone knows being a teenager is horrendous time in one's life. You're a complete and utter mess. All of a sudden out of nowhere you're aware of these things called girls on the other side of your Combat Carl. Out of nowhere you find these girls making you feel hot and nervous and reducing you to a puddle of goo with no ability to speak. Although, in my case, I also became aware of this thing called Frank in the chair next to me that first day of a new school. And then these little mounds of hell called zits arrive. Your hair gets greasy enough to fill a deep fat fryer amd you suddenly seem to lose complete control of yourself.

I think I was an even bigger mess than most teenagers. Frank was driving me mad. I was finding it harder and harder to control those messed up thoughts in my messed up, lust-filled head.

"Hey, Gee," Frankie smiled, sitting next to me "Urgh, do you have any spare money? Dad refused to give me some for lunch!"

I groaned inwardly and nodded with a small smile. Frank smiled gratefully and smacked his lips in that oh-so familiar kissing gesture. I tried not to watch as he brushed his hair from his face, observing the teacher in front of us. This would be a long hour of trying to concentrate on the work.

The bell clanged and we closed our books and gathered up our stuff. Frank and I pushed out into the corridor, shoving past people to get through. Frank was strong despite his height. . . I wasn't.


Something wet slapped against the side of my face. I reached up to wipe the glob off of my cheek and looked up to see some stupid kid a grade or two below me with a stupid smirk on his little face. I scowled and wiped the spit from my face irritably.

"That's gross!" Frank commented, wiping my face for me and looking up "Hey, you gonna' try that on me too?"

The little kid stood dumbfounded for a second. Frank smiled widely, brushed his fringe back from his face and stood still where he was.

I glanced around to see the hallway was almost empty.

"Frank," I urged "C'mon, we'll be late for math!"

He ignored me, his black rimmed eyes focused on the kid stood on the stairway.

"Go on," He encouraged "I dare you!"


Frank moved at the last minute, causing the glob to land on the floor beside him. He arched an eyebrow coolly at the kid, smirked confidently and proceeded to roll his school shirt sleeve up. By the time the little kid had taken in what Frank was doing, Frankie was halfway up the stairs after him. The fact that he was one or two years younger than us made no difference. Frank caught him halfway down the hallway and raised a threatening fist.

"Frank, c'mon!" I called desperately "This is stupid!"

He looked back at me and then at the kid again.

"C'mon, let's just get to class, okay?" I urged "This is dumb! He's not even worth the effort!"

He rolled his eyes and threw the kid to the floor.

"You won't be so lucky next time!" He warned "In fact, there won't be a next time, will there?" He growled.

The little kid shook his poor head frantically, scrabbling up and running. Frank smirked after him and turned back to face me. Then he laughed triumphantly and shook his head, reaching out and ruffling my hair.

"Where would you be without me, Gee?"

"Probably in math right now!"

"Ahh, forget about it," He insisted, waving a hand "You worry too much!"

"Of course I do!" I replied "I don't wanna' get in trouble for skipping class!"

"It doesn't matter! The story is that you felt really sick; you ate something a bit funny!"

And that's how I found myself seated in the bathroom with Frankie, smoking my way through a cigarette with him.

"Are you thirsty?" He randomly questioned.

"Nah, I'm good," I replied, waving a hand "Why?"

He grinned deviously and pulled a small bottle of vodka out of his messenger bag. Suddenly I felt incredibly thirsty. I grinned bacl and took the first swig. He smiled and nodded approvingly. He took a gulp himself and replaced the cigarette between his lips. There was a surge of butterflies within me, as usual. Oh, he looked so sexy. Oh God.

"So," He began, exhaling slowly "What do you wanna' do later?"

"Dunno'," I shrugged "Let's just see what happens."

"Mm," He nodded slowly, inhaling on his cigarette.

I smiled and took another gulp of vodka.

We sat there for pretty much the entire of second period. When the bell clanged, Frank was up and pulling me up too. I decided I needed a minute to myself until the butterflies died down a little. So I told him to go on ahead and I'd catch up.

I stood at the sink and washed my hands, giving my face a splash from the cold tap. The door opened and in walked two guys. I paid little attention to them or their conversation but then something caught my attention. . .

"He must've slipped something in her drink."

My ears pricked with interest.

"Nah," His friend disagreed "She'll sleep with anything!"

"No way, he definitely slipped her something!"

I turned to look at them both.

"Date rape?" I blurted.

Predictably, this earned me some rather weird looks. Both had their eyebrows raised. One of them scoffed.

"Freak," He declared.

And off they went.

I blinked and considered it.

Frank was hardly what you could call innocent, was he? And most of the time, he was doing something he was drunk anyway. What harm would a couple of pills do him? Seriously, I was really close to that explosion. It had the potential to help me get over my unhealthy obsession with Frank and move on. And he'd never remember. No harm done.

What could possibly go wrong?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, that last 'chapter' was an update believe it or not. I've already been told by someone it seems pointless(refuses to name names). I can see where this person is coming from as I'd be a bith 'Wtf?' if someone posted one sentence as an update but the 'chapter' stays. Naturally, if the moderators don't like it, I'll change it.

Does this one make up for it?